I was looking forward to a load more vids from you
Anyway, I'm gonna give a in-depth rating.
Stunts: 10/10 Unbelievable.
0.17: Nice wallride.
0.25: Great flatbed bump. It didn't look intentional though.
I wouldh avenever of thought putting a packer there, a very high roof, good job!
0.39: Hmm... Good airgrab.
0.46: You didn't stay on the bike when you hit it, did you? It was a nice stunt none-the-less
0.49: lol Great taxi grind. Kinda original.
1.03: It was easy compared to your other stunts.
Great freeway grind.
1.24: Yet another great grind, the bump was hard ot get right, but I presume that you didn't land it.
1.31: Great combo.
1.40: I didn't see what you bumped off. I needed to pause it to know that you bumped off a stuck bike. Great original BSM.
1.48: Nice stunt, bad camera angles.
1.57: Hmm... The stunt isn't so good compared to your other stunts.
2.24: I think it was done by Matt on Fusion.
2.31: Nice tank bump. Pretty high.
2.41: Great precision stoppieing on that ledge.
2.50: It didn't go anywhere, it looked like a filler.
2.55: Done by Kert on Exhilration.
Holy shit, great high packerbump with lots of precision.
Music: 9/10 Good song.
Editing: 9.5/10 Nice, effects not over-used.
Overall: 9.5/10 Great vid.