Invisible WatermarkAuthor: Enferno/Impulse
Made with Photoshop 7.0 or higher
Quick description: Don't let people rip your works. Learn how to create invisible watermarks to protect them!
Note: Example Image can be found at the bottom of this page.1) Open up the image you want the invisible watermark on, name the layer 'original'.
2) Now, we're going to make a pattern. Create a new transparent document at 2x2 pixels and zoom in to maximum at 1600%. Select the pencil tool with black foreground color. Make one pixel in the top left corner and one in the bottom right. Go Edit > define pattern, and name it whatever you want.
Then close the document.
3) Create a new transparent layer on the first document we created again and fill it with your newly created pattern, edit > fill and choose pattern from the scrollmenu. Name the layer 'pattern' and make sure it is positioned above the 'original' layer.
Set blend mode to Exclusion.
4) Make a new layer below the pattern layer and name it 'watermark'. This is where you put your copyrighted text or logo for the watermark. In my case I used a text in the middle of the image with black color. I use black color since I have a light background, if you have a dark background, simply use white color instead of black.
5) Duplicate the 'original' layer and put it on top of all other layers. Reduce the opacity to about 90-95%, you can try what suits you best when you know how it works. You should now notice how the watermark layer appears more or less depending on if you increase/lower opacity of thetop layer.
Now all you have to do is to invert the pattern layer with Ctrl+I to hide it!
6) You're done!
(sorry for other picture then i used in the tut.. but that design had a shitty background for it to show you what it rlly does)
Now you have an invisible watermark on your image. The trick with this is that only IE based browsers can see the watermark, which at first might seem like a bad idea, but it's not. If the watermark can only be seen in IE based browsers, it is harder to discover it. Which is a good thing. Therefore, you will only see the effect below if you're using IE or IE based browsers. Open the image in the browser and hit Ctrl+A to mark everything including the image. Now the watermark you made should appear on the image, which at first was hidden!
You can put the watermark over important parts of the image to ensure that it won't get ripped. If it is being ripped, you should easily be able to prove that the image is actually yours with the hidden watermark. What a shock the ripper will get when he finds the copyrighted text on your work!
To c ur own Watermark do this **This will only work on IE as far as i know**
(hit Ctrl+A in a IE based browser to see the hidden copyright text)