Author Topic: Animated Shine  (Read 4292 times)

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Offline impulse

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Animated Shine
« on: October 06, 2005, 06:06:51 AM »
Author: Impulse
Skill: Novice

[span style=\'color:red\']**[/span]This tutorial requires Adobe ImageReady[span style=\'color:red\']**[/span]

first you wanna find a good render for this, i'm using:

once you've picked out your render, you wanna determine how many frames you want the animation depending on the size of the to-be-animated area (more frames= longer animation). for this on we'll do 8, so duplicate this layer 7x.

make all layers invisible except for the first one.

now get your 'dodge' tool- it's right under your fill bucket/ gradient tool (left click and hold to find the dodge, it looks like a filled in Magnifying glass). setting on your dodge tool should be
[span style=\'color:red\']RANGE: Highlights EXPOSURE: 100%[/span]
and for this pic, we'll use a sz 9 brush...

now you should only be able to see layer 1. take your dodge tool and work a line into the right side of the visor. do not lighten all the way to white, or it won't look good- you wanna lighten the color just a few shades. it should look something lie this....

see the difference on the right side? the rest is easy...

you're gonna click the 2nd layer (the lightened part will disappear). now do the same with the dodge tool just to the left of where you did on layer 1. it will look like this:

you see where i'm going now? do the same thing over the next 5 layers (MAKE SURE YOU MOVE TO A NEW LAYER EACH TIME) and leave the last untouched.

after you have altered all the layers (except the last) save the .psd and open it in imageready. go to your layers box and slide the last layer (the untouched one) down to the very bottom layer. make all layers invisible except this first one.

now go to your animation box and duplicate the first frame. make sure you highlight the second animation frame- click the first layer invisible, and the second layer visible.

duplicate the 2nd frame and do the same thing- 2nd layer invisible, 3rd layer visible.

do this until your last layer is visible in the last frame. then go back to frame 1 and set a 2 second delay on it. hit play to see how it looks...your final should look something like this:

have fun


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