Author Topic: Evolution of Infernus Stunting  (Read 16712 times)

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Offline Insan

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Re: Evolution of Infernus Stunting
« Reply #15 on: March 08, 2023, 12:57:40 PM »
Nice work man, at first it seemed a little dense to see complete jajaja
I saw it anyway, that's good!
It's great to see veterans still killing SA.
Nice one Bart!
happy to be part of history even though it was in the final stretch!

Offline Diaz

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Re: Evolution of Infernus Stunting
« Reply #16 on: March 11, 2023, 12:44:19 AM »
Finally found the time to watch this entirely.
First of all amazing effort dude, I can't even imagine how many hours went into this project. Seeing the majority of infy stunts from 2005 to nowadays really helps to see the evolution of this kind of stunts.
The video was too long to remember all my thoughts that popped up throughout and I did not take notes meanwhile watching, so here are some of my thoughts (remember, this is just my opinion):
- I never heard of How3tt but his stunts unquestionably stood out in 2005, way ahead of his time
- TD was amazing before everyone else. I remember that in this video the first wow moment for me was at one of his stunts, probably in 2008
- around 2008-2009 the quality of infy stunts reached a considerably great level, I felt more and more dropbumps and curbbumps were being landed at time
- Stevex had some groundbreaking infy stunts back then, never really noticed he was that good with infy
- credit has to go to Mewka and Liviu based on my feelings. Also, Requiem had some memorable stunts, the Aqua finisher is one of the most beautiful infy stunts ever landed
- it was great to see the evolution of Grescha, he truly mastered infernus stunting around 2010-2012
- krs had totally outstanding stunts in his DV era, I remember loving all his stuff around that time
- Burn has been delivering top notch infy stunts since ages
- Bart arrived to the scene relatively lately but landed some bangers in recent years

Once again a great collection of infernus stunts and thank you for your work Przemoo, it was quite an experience!
« Last Edit: March 11, 2023, 07:51:30 AM by Diaz »

Offline legendz

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Re: Evolution of Infernus Stunting
« Reply #17 on: March 11, 2023, 08:46:48 AM »
Awesome! The effort is next level obviously, just gg. Watching some of these old stunts even gave me a few new ideas though :mellow: Thanks for the effort Przemoo again :D

Offline lilj

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Re: Evolution of Infernus Stunting
« Reply #18 on: March 31, 2023, 10:13:29 PM »
Wow, you are a legend for this one.

Offline jooker

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Re: Evolution of Infernus Stunting
« Reply #19 on: April 25, 2023, 12:03:23 AM »
What a project, hats off dude  :wub:

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Re: Evolution of Infernus Stunting
« Reply #20 on: July 04, 2023, 12:42:53 PM »
Well check it out  :o I'm in this video
« Last Edit: July 04, 2023, 12:53:32 PM by Cookie »

Offline Lex

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Re: Evolution of Infernus Stunting
« Reply #21 on: July 05, 2023, 06:13:52 PM »
Well check it out  :o I'm in this video

You came back, nice to see you around again mr cookie

Offline Argy

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Re: Evolution of Infernus Stunting
« Reply #22 on: July 09, 2023, 09:48:04 PM »
This is interesting, huge respect for taking the time to do such a job :o

I LOVED the ancient ones.

Offline VTX

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Re: Evolution of Infernus Stunting
« Reply #23 on: July 18, 2023, 11:15:11 AM »
Little late to the party - since I check this site like once every season or so - but this is some grandiose work, hats off to you sir! Delightful representation of the timeline, always loved the chronological order of things.

I fell in love with stunting in 2009 by finding some ESH videos on youtube - I was totally amazed. Started to stunt with Infernus in 2010 and never really got into the NRG-500 vibes/scene. So when I was watching stunt videos, I always waited for the Infernus ones, hehe. Had some mediocre stunts on my own, two SA, one United solo videos and a few guest appearances between 2010-2017. Hence, I was kind of expecting my stuff in here, but nevermind, I don't even see myself in the database mentioned. :D

To pick some favourites - I always preferred natural stunts where the stunter lands objects which are not reachable on land. Also if it looks like dancing, a form of art, that really gets me moving. So here's a bunch I really liked in this compilation:

29:33 - Raekwon - Skyzophrenie (09/2008)
36:05 - Burn - Swastika (07/2009)
41:08 - Raekwon - Megaton (12/2009)
45:24 - Grescha - Still Here (04/2010)
47:06 - Requiem - Aqua (04/2010)
47:12 - Requiem - Aqua (04/2010)
49:30 - Grescha - It's The Time (07/2010)
50:55 - Mts - Void (09/2010) (that edit significantly degrades the greatness of that stunt)
51:49 - Burn - Meditation (11/2010)
54:22 - Krs - Lighthouse (06/2011)
54:32 - Grescha - Funky Friday (06/2011)
56:44 - PrzemOO - Haze (10/2011)
57:12 - Requiem - Haze (10/2011)
58:52 - Grescha - Ubiquity (06/2012) (I was trying exactly the same and was close to land when that video came out.. :D landed an alternative version on the boat in a collab)
1:00:24 - Hidden - UV+ (08/2012)
1:01:07 - Artifex - Braindead (08/2012)
1:03:37 - Grescha - Supreme (12/2012)
1:04:07 - Grescha - Rebellion (02/2013) (not a natural one, but omg.. colossal)
1:04:46 - Grescha - Backstage (07/2013)
1:05:13 - UndeadX - Oracion (08/2013) (I still have an unlanded spot to that roof, and I remember how amazed I was when I saw this)
1:05:54 - Rusch69 - Ultima (11/2013)
1:06:23 - Grescha - Solid Ground (12/2013)
1:06:51 - UndeadX - Dystortion (01/2014) (same story as with 58:52)
1:06:57 - Grescha - Dystortion (01/2014)
1:07:21 - Grescha - Dystortion (01/2014)
1:07:29 - Taz - Dystortion (01/2014)
1:07:39 - Grescha - Dystortion (01/2014)
1:09:53 - Burn - Weird Mixture (11/2014)
1:09:59 - Bart - Howling Forever (12/2014)
1:10:11 - Bart - Howling Forever (12/2014)
1:10:20 - Bart - Howling Forever (12/2014)
1:10:46 - Grescha - Savage (12/2014)
1:13:28 - Kitz - Hype (08/2016)
1:14:36 - PrzemOO - Anomaly (08/2017)
1:15:10 - Bart - Anomaly (08/2017) (tried sooooo many times in 2013-2014...)
1:15:26 - Burn - Burnt Ass (10/2017)
1:15:38 - Taz - Burnt Ass (10/2017) (oh well... didn't know this was landed, also tried many-many times)
1:16:15 - Minq - Enfermo (12/2017)
1:16:21 - Avi - Lost In Time (08/2018)
1:16:55 - Bart - Magnetron (08/2018)
1:17:33 - Burn - Meditation 2 (05/2019)
1:17:44 - Burn - Meditation 2 (05/2019)
1:18:20 - Lex - Geri (03/2020)
1:18:25 - Burn - Valar Morghulis (05/2020)
1:18:44 - Prog - Valar Morghulis (05/2020)
1:19:01 - Burn - Valar Morghulis (05/2020)
1:19:20 - Legend - Polarized (05/2020) (jeeeezz.. this is the spot I mentioned at 1:05:13 - didn't know it was landed, well done)
1:20:39 - UndeadX - When Everything Dies (10/2020)
1:20:56 - Mistake - When Everything Dies (10/2020)
1:22:57 - Leo - Monza (08/2021)
1:24:08 - PrzemOO - Vacant (03/2022)
1:24:37 - Bart - End Of The Line (03/2022)
1:25:13 - Bart - End Of The Line (03/2022)
1:25:24 - Bart - End Of The Line (03/2022)
1:25:31 - Bart - End Of The Line (03/2022) (oh my....)

Didn't plan to list so many, but man, these are lovely.

OK... towards the end, the word 'evolution' is really accurate. Amazing how the techniques and ideas evolved throughout the years. Also I didn't see most of the videos from the past 3-4 years, so I was shocked how impressive some of the stunts are there.

Top 3 most mentioned stunters:
1. Grescha (12)
2. Bart (9)
3. Burn (7)

Can't choose top 5/10 etc stunts, all of the mentioned are really great ones imo - considering each by its time(year).

Afterthought: double bumps and precision landings are the pinnacle of Infernus stunting for me.
Thank you for the nostalgic feelings, this was a great watch!

PS: one of my all-time favourite SA stunt video is Dreamscape :))
« Last Edit: July 18, 2023, 11:24:52 AM by VTX »


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