0:30 - Dam double grind: Great stunt to start it off. Would have liked to see more of the run-up to better understand the stunt but really liked the execution.
0:40 - Wallbonk to court house: Nice. Why do I feel like I have seen this before
0:47 - Curb bump to ledge grind: Great idea and execution
0:58 - Drop wallride to grind: Sweet, looks fun to try
1:05 - Bridge double grind: Such a sick grind. Love the 180 on the transition. Very clean
1:14 - P2B to apartment block: Just massive. Always love to see that roof landed from a new angle. I guess the run-up was perfect for it
1:24 - Back tankbump to apartment block: Another great find and execution. Massive recoil to a classic roof. Love to see it
1:32 - Airport wallride to grind: Sweet
1:44 - Drop to quad BB grind: Doesn't look as difficult as the other stunts but I still like the idea
1:54 - Cherry double grind on BB: Great combo and I appreciate that you managed to land on the small roof haha. Lovely
2:05 - Drop stoppie to grind: I've been looking for spots to use the stoppie method on and this one looks like it was destined for it. Great find
2:22 - Grind to ledge to box prec: Absolutely insane. Dinner's served: Cherry stomped
2:42 - Skimmer bump to high ledge: Like the transition here a lot. And is this the first landing of that roof without gravmod? Massive stunt once again.
2:56 - PSM to Hyman stairwell: Nice. Doesn't beat the vent landing but still a great addition to the vid
3:05 - Oversized back tankbump: Thought you were going for a mag, that would have blown me away. Great stunt
3:14 - Skimmer bump by the water: Another massive one. Skimmer bumps aren't my favorite, however I do like how it is utilized here. Would have liked another cam angle but I get the cinematic idea with the song. You make these stunts look too easy!
3:25 - Icecream bump to prec: Clean af
3:34 - PSM MAG: WTF!! you're a madman. The way you grabbed onto that roof with rotation and your player model touching the roof in the midst of it was butter
3:43 - PSM grind bonk grind: such a clever idea and find
3:53 - P2B airport ledge grind: That's a screamer. I was hoping to see this roof grinded properly one day and you delivered. I was surprised how long you stayed in the grind, that was nutty
4:05 - Skimmer bump Moist Palms: Almost overflew that
4:15 - PSM MAG to grind: What a beauty of a stunt. another fantastic idea and execution
4:27 - PSM hotel prec: Looks really tough. Great job sticking this to the ledge. Higher part possible ?

4:38 - Trashmaster bump to radio prec: Finally someone landed this antenna. Your approach looks so obvious now that I see the setup with the trashmaster haha creative find and clean landing on a sketchy prec. Fantastic
4:47 - PSM to ship antenna prec: Sick stunt to end it on. Feels like there have been a lot of psm's back to back (or stuck methods in general) which I am generally not a fan of but it doesn't get rid of the fact that this is a fantastic stunt with clinical execution. I can appreciate the dedication you have to this game even after all these years. This was a wild ride
Music: I really enjoyed the song choice throughout. Transitions were done really well, the whole vid had a great flow & the stunts fitted well to the ambience of the songs
Editing: Fantastic editing by jason who delivered a great example of the power of simon's replay tool. Many clever angles that made the video look even more surreal than it already was. The effects were well chosen and not overdone, the stunts and cam angles spoke for themselves.
Overall a great australian powerhouse production