My Body is ready.
That boy did it again, top level stunting

Amazing production and editing really, the programmed cams are a game changer and everything looks crisp. Bravo!
0:30 - Dam double grind:
that rail is a bitch, congrats lol
0:40 - Wallbonk to court house:
Simple, natural, great find
0:47 - Curb bump to ledge grind:
2 smoof
0:58 - Drop wallride to grind:
so simple in theory but love these kind of stunts
1:05 - Bridge double grind:
loved the 180 and cam work
1:14 - P2B to apartment block:
insane rads, made it look like a cakewalk
1:24 - Back tankbump to apartment block:
everyone has tried this but made it look too easy lol
1:32 - Airport wallride to grind:
great cam work and amazing grind
1:44 - Drop to quad BB grind:
simple idea but I would not want to try this lol
1:54 - Cherry double grind on BB:
this shit gets me hard
2:05 - Drop stoppie to grind:
missed a bit of comedic beat here but loved it
2:22 - Grind to ledge to box prec:
this shit Also gets me hard
2:42 - Skimmer bump to high ledge:
O _ O
2:56 - PSM to Hyman stairwell:
what the actual fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
3:05 - Oversized back tankbump:
insane height jesus
3:14 - Skimmer bump by the water:
very creative use of terrain
3:25 - Icecream bump to prec:
could not have possibly been done more smoothly
3:34 - PSM MAG:
clearly needed the MAG
3:43 - PSM grind bonk grind:
3:53 - P2B airport ledge grind:
chacha real smooth
4:05 - Skimmer bump Moist Palms:
made this look easy lol
4:15 - PSM MAG to grind:
harder than it looks D:
4:27 - PSM hotel prec:
perfect bump and runup and just the kinda hilarious janky stunt I love
4:38 - Trashmaster bump to radio prec:
full mast on this one - equally as epic and janky as the prev
4:47 - PSM to ship antenna prec:
full mast again?

