
E: Full review by The
fuckwit Small P
0:00 Intro: I like the humor in the intro, with the newspaper page. Especially the part with the non-retard units lol. The news-like vocie acting was a nice add.
0:31 Skuller VC huge natbump 2 roof: amazing, its cool to see the top finally landed, after its been a challenge for so many years. The opened this video deserves.
0:40 MaCi LC psm backbump: This spot is a great find, the recoil and the landing were beautiful. I bet one of the hard parts was probably getting between that pole and the wall.
Infernal Blood part 2 intensifies0:56 Nem VC hotring vice point area: great execution, the wall of the second bump seems high to reach, same for the angle.
1:04 Skuller SAIVC csm 2 green prec: backwards landing, really neat CSM and a new way to land that prec.
1:14 Sheeptea VC bump 2 ramp 2 bump 2 krail 2 grind: I saw some of your previous attempts and the way you actually landed it now was really unexpected and probably the best way to land this grind. Turned out to be a combo, not just a bump 2 grind. Very impressive, really
1:27 Skuller VC airport huge ramp 2 silo: another legendary spot landed, beautiful execution bumping the first silo and landing the further
1:41 Nem VC viceport hotring 2 ship: stopping there seems like a pain in the butt
1:53 Faiz VC doublebump: literally owned BK
2:08 MaCi VC grind 2 stoppie 2 ledge grind: amazing grind combo, perfectly grinding that 2nd ledge. gj
2:17 Nem VC sanchez bump 2 airgrab 2 roof: old spot with a twist, not a huge fan of AG
2:25 AllBeast VC ramp 2 grind 2 csm 2 420 2 bump 2 grind: combo-masta
2:37 Sheeptea LC boost 2 watergap 2 docks: holding on to that tiny prec from such a great height seems marvelous
2:57 Faiz VC psm 2 prec: you've unlocked the "Holy Roof Badge", LEGENDARY
3:11 Smut LC cheetah barracks bump: VC's burn. <3
3:20 Skilz VC downtown boost 2 prec: Great taxi boost with a tight prec. Top part ftw
3:31 Skuller LC bump 2 cork 2 grind: Nice find, cool execution and got lucky not bailing at the end.
3:41 Nem VC doublebump: I love this one. The pink roofs are not poss I guess?
3:48 The Big V LC tank bush 2 blown skimmer bump 2 roof: Hi mom
4:03 Skuller VC tankbump 2 construction ramp: BGH old spot landed.
4:11 Faiz VC police bump 2 roof: Yep, thats probably the reason this building is on the logo of the vid. Owning it for the 3rd time in one vid.
4:20 Sheeptea SAIVC skimmerbump 2 roof: Landing this part is definitely makes the stunt more complete. H-U-G-E + nice rotation!
4:28 Smut LC dodo pharmacy area upside down under the train tracks 2 flip 2 chimney prec: Variety is always welcome.
4:43 Sheeptea SAIVC p2b 2 roof: MASSIVE. One of my fav bigairs in this video. And another old spot landed.
4:54 Ezraph VC stoppie 2 ledge grind cooper style: Im glad you relanded this one, definitely a much better execution (also exactly at the doorstep of the haitian house)
5:07 Skuller LC csm 2 red container: Creative way to use 3 vehicles. Cool CSM
5:19 Sheeptea LC ramp 2 csm 2 roof bonk 2 roof landing: You dont see All Beast being owned every day, so this one is definitely a killer, and the landing is just ooof.
5:34 MaCi VC downtown boost 2 bump big air 2 prec: the wall being used properly to not land a random roof to the left, but a tall prec. Gj
5:47 Nem VC hotring double bump 2 mall: Great landing, I've tried this spot and reaching the parking is not as easy as it seems
5:57 Streem LC packer 2 bump 2 roof: The angle makes this stunt still new, definitely Streem style p2b.
6:09 Smut VC squalo flatbed bump 2 prec: Smut be placing non-bike vehicles on places no one ever imagined.
6:16 Sheeptea LC trash bin double bump 2 glass roof: A worthy finisher of the first part. H-U-G-E
6:38 Skuller SAIVC csm 2 chimney prec: Another holy roof badge. CSMs like these are spectacular to witness
6:48 Smut LC barracks bump 2 construction prec: Cool landing. I didnt notice a bump from the barracks, was it even needed there?
6:56 Skuller SAIVC angel 3x grind: Cool combo
7:06 Sheeptea SAIVC polebump 2 red roof: Cam angle couldve been a bit better here. Seems like a hard angled landing there.
7:13 Sheeptea SAIVC freeway ramp 2 tree bump 2 grind: Not bad, felt a bit like a filler compared to your other ownage stunts
7:28 Skuller LC angel 6x grind: flawless execution. For a second I thought you were also going for the fence xD
7:43 AllBeast LC ramp 2 wall 2 krail 2 bonk 2 3x grind: ground recoil ftw.
7:54 Sheeptea LC boost 2 bridge wire stuck: spiderman landing man.
8:02 Smut VC hotring ramp 2 heli bump 2 prec: Love it
8:12 AllBeast VC huge bump 2 prec: Totally unexpected tbh, I know this was a challenge inside the DSS chat, you nailed it actually
8:28 Credits: Chill outro music
Soundtrack: Good picks, 2nd part felt more hardcore
Editing: Big thanks to Ezraph for taking and finishing this project. The first part felt nostalgic, brutal and exciting all at the same time. Angles were great, the CC was fitting, cinematics were on point and the overall feeling of the video definitely carried a DSS vibe. I think you did a good job, and most importantly a clean edit. It was a great watch.
Overall Performance: Everyone did a great job, lots of standouts (plus holy roofs), its 2022 and DSS managed to pull another CV. Hands down