
accidentally saw it on the database homepage and rushed here haha
First of all, that intro was amazing. That last shot into the Skyward 4 text where the taxi flies over the city was absolutely awesome but really the entire intro was.
The rest of the editing was great also, really enjoyed every moment of it

Soundtracks were on point, just how I would've liked it to be after seeing Skyward 3 so many times. Awesome work.
Stunting wise these were my favorites in order of appearance:
- Shamelessly plugging myself here but I found that spot because of what Oliver did in Eradicate and it motivated me
to find something somewhat similar. Found this very quickly and I just love how it worked out. Got denied twice
because the crane on the ship was just rotating above the prec and it made me fall off just barely.
- Haywire's SAiVC double boost because that was just awesome and I didn't know what to expect right until he flew
off again. Camera work added some mystery there!
- Dannye's boost through the building onto the beach rooftop club building thingy, awesome find.
- Oliver's SAiVC boost2prec, small and nicely executed.
- Zero's boost2triangleprec on that high roof.
- Sheeptea's boost at 5:36 near the VCN building. I did it from the other side in Dreamtime but yours was better
executed and a nicer way of doing it in general. Nice one.
- Fckr's boost to the bridge prec at 8:11, looks very cool and probably pretty hard as well to stick.
- The grind from Max down the bridge was pretty clean, liked that. Did something similar in the credits of Lucidity if I
recall correctly but that was an accidental fluke and very poorly done.
- Turbo's finisher. Might not be some high precision somewhere but that landing looks terrible to have to stick. Good
job on that one for sure!
There were some oldies like Oliver's first boost (done by MtS in Magnum) and two boosts from Haywire but overall that's a low count for such a long video in general. I have to say though I did dislike Oliver's palmboost2prec where he stopped himself with the extra taxi. It's 2021 now and the distance wasn't very big nor is the precision that small. You're an excellent booster so to see you lame a new precision like that is a bit meh

Overall though, a very worthy new instalment after so many years