If you are already on your 4th year (last one?) I think you should just finish this shit and be done with it.
Speaking honestly, if you are not studying for one of those professions that REALLY REQUIRE this degree (austronaut, mechanical engineer, doctor, you get my point) chances are you can self teach this profession yourself. Last year I decided I dont want to be a sales guy for the rest of my life (even though it had pros like working remotely etc.) and I started self teaching myself how to code in May 2020. I didnt spend a single dollar on my self education, just studying for 8-10 hours each day from various resources on the internet. Now I have a job in the IT and I work from home while getting a better salary than when I was a salesman.
You can take this advise as someone that dropped out of college after the 1st year to pursue his dreams 
gl and godspeed
so awesome ! I'm glad that you did it Big V

! yeah I'm at a college too !!!! and I don't like it at all

, at first I was dumbass didn't know a shit about these learning, society, make the living,... etc was so excited to study at there and didn't know it will entail a bunch of problems that are not even worthy, I have to move to there, get a room, my parent can't afford a single room so I have stayed with some other dudes which are annoying

I WANT PEACE !!! the teaching sucks too they teaching the things that i can be learned all that with it 1 or 2 weeks, bunch of dumbass unprofessional assignments....
after spent one year on it. my opinion is I feel like I have wasted my parent's money and time to stuffer, feel like most colleges and universities in Viet Nam sucks [ seriously! for ex: you have to pay 50$ to study about one subject or a program but if you buy a course (foreign one, by language English) on the internet with 10 - 15$ it's better 100x time] they only teach us basic nothing advance at all and I think that's the best they could

! motion graphic and 3D artist are still something new in Viet Nam, therefore they can't have a good educational ! but at least I get to go out of my home and get to know things about the living and society

If it is not I have been halfway through this course I would quit out the shit of it , go home, and self- teaching myself , it's cheap (more like free xD ) and comfortable, free as fuck, got 11 months left to finish this damn college so I will keep suffering (ToT) that's my plan for now at least