Sandking for example have the same speed with nitro and without it, but with nitro you will get the top of speed faster, i guess. It's a good question since most of us don't care much about it and prefer to stunt on standart meta - NRG/Infernus etc.
I think it's not a problem if you use nitro as a time saver, but the main stunt is possible in original game without nitro. You just need to test it. Another question is hydraulics: if it's not allowed to add hydraulics on car (not relevant to Sandking) it's considering as modding imo. But still if you have fun you can do it, just mark it somewhere.
TBH sandking is not that rare on stunting scene (because it has very good stats).
I think there is an old collab about stunting with ambulance, and some other examples of "slow big" vehicles, i am wondering if stunters were using nitro/hydr.
It had been established that nitro has no affect on the actual top speed of the vehicle. All nitro does is boost the acceleration meaning you hit the top speed sooner.
Personally, I don't care what is legal and what is not, regarding hydraulics and nitro. It's hard to spot in replays anyway.
Nitro is for top speed, yes. But if you perform combo stunt with combo run-up, when you need to drop from ground to another, there is a chance that it can be done only with nitro since second part of run-up will be limited.
It is kinda weird that this moment is not clear after so many years. Because there are a lot of stunts, with ambulance, cop cars and everything else.
Funny but this topic was made after trying your stunt
THISYou can bring up the upgrade menu for any vehicle in the game, the setups for it are complicated but it's possible
example -
These guys have a very weird pasttime. Even more weird than "SA speedruns" with bugs and mission skipping. That particular guy possessed with SA special vehicles (his youtube channel is full of videos about them). The way he talks about them is like he is some sort of collector. And there is a whole community of these collectors. And all movement is about to achieve special vehicles with "legit" way using bugs?
Anyway, it looks liek that he is doing it in PS2, not PC.
And i am wondering what if you put there a nrg, going to be nrg with nitro/hydr or game will just crash