Author Topic: Aftermath(Aftermath - KillaMarci remake )  (Read 5549 times)

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Aftermath(Aftermath - KillaMarci remake )
« on: August 21, 2019, 02:38:22 AM »
Like it very much killamarci-Aftermath :lol: :lol:
Take advantage of free time ,A remake was made.
My English is not very good,Please forgive me for some of my bad English.
There are a few stunts I really can't do, I choose to use other actions instead.
Thank you very much for wviMis making logo

My video

Aftermath - KillaMarci

Offline Herrarge

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Re: Aftermath(Aftermath - KillaMarci remake )
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2019, 02:55:45 AM »
Wow props for relanding all of those stunts :O. The editing seemed slightly off; guess it's quite impossible to copy Beat his style.
Very well done guys. Just wondering who you are?

Offline Art  

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Re: Aftermath(Aftermath - KillaMarci remake )
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2019, 03:13:50 AM »
Just wondering who you are?
its FTO

good job, kinda made me chuckle to see all those jumps combined with taxi boosts from Clemency :lol:

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Re: Aftermath(Aftermath - KillaMarci remake )
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2019, 05:25:22 AM »
Ouch! First you insult anime songs on Burn's stream, now this transition to my personlity that has nothing to do with this video.
This transition is nothing important, but under one of my videos there is an interesting comment saying, and i quote "feels like some of those Art's solos, but unmodded". I do not thing that you are a modder. I saw your videos and i like them. Actually, i even try to reland some of the stunts. I even do not think that quote is all about your stunts and NOT your behavior as GTAS member. In other circumstances i would love to take that quote as compliment (if it was serious). But you must admit that this quote, your quote about me and quality of this "remake" allows me to say: OH THE IRONY.
But if "transition" is just a funny thing, insulting an anime songs is a serious shit and can not be ignored. That is why i must step forward and make another post insulting something related to you. So, why dont i make a UNBIASED review to your "remake" since the quality of it allows me to do it? Unbised answer to your biased insulting to anime songs.

First of all, why do people make a remakes. People do not make a remake of some random video. This video must be classic/popular/legendary/favorite. They make a remake to show respect to that video, stunters and influence that video made years and years ago.
You chose KillaMarci. In the description you posted what being a retarded weeb means. And Kaizen means to do your best, right? So, you say people can expect a really good remake. But what is the first thing people see? That you threw work UNFINISHED. You call that "outro stunts"? But if you will look at old SA stunting videos, you will see, that "outro stunts" are part of a stunting videos with the same quality (or sometimes even higher) OR they are just bails. In KillaMarci they were not bails. They were a part of the stunting video. So, you just threw your work on a half way. And i am asking - is it some irony or what people call today "postirony"? Or is it your own interpretation what Kaizen principles mean?

Now, let's make it easily to understand. Let's look at a good remake video, PM's TSM S,D&R'n'R remake. Obviously you can not do it way better than original (only some small things), but also you should not make it worse than original. Because, what is the point? What is the point to take 11 years old video and make it worse than original? You say those stunts were landed/executed "okay"? They were not. Maybe you think i bother you with some irrelevant details? Because i do not. I see 3 experienced skilled stunters, i know what they are capable for. And when i see those "executions" on a pretty easy stunts, when i see "prec landings" where part of vehicle hanging in the air instead of making a normal solid landing (and this is the point of prec landing stunts btw), i know those stunters just did not put enough effort. They did not put 10 more minutes to do things properly.
And that "missed" stunt now looks like not a "miss", but like a regularity. Lack of effort's regularity. So, do you think you've done enough?

Now, you did not land those "outro stunt". But not just that. You did not make an OUTRO. So, your video is just a STUMP. It feels like you threw stunts to Vegas, rendered and now throw "something mixed" to our faces: "Go, watch". Video must be a finished product. After all, where is simple "thanks for watching"? Special thanks? Where is explanation what we just watched, why it was made? Intro, main part, outro. Do you think it is a niggle? But we are talking about respect. Remake to show respect. And your "product" has nothing to do with respect. Even this fucking title of this thread, why do you put there a song from an outro of original video if you decided to ignore it in your "remake"?

So, this is not PM's type of remake. Maybe it is a BlackTear's type of remake (WH Megaton, btw it has no intro/outro too)? Maybe it is a joke/irony/postorny? When i saw PM's remake - i said "WOW", when i saw BlackTear's remake - i said "LOL". Tell me, what do i need to say when i look at your "product"?

First impression of this video was: damn, this editor lasted, like, 30 seconds. Editing, stunting, feels like you made it "on exhale". And now i remember what you said on Burn's stream. You said that you can make like 10 attempts per 1 stunt and then you move to another one. I assume this video was made in the same direction. This is not a good stunting video. This is not a good remake of a good stunting video. You have made a monument to your own unwillingness to stunting. Tell us, how does it feel when you need to search for a reasons every time you open SA? Is it worth it?

Offline Herrarge

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Re: Aftermath(Aftermath - KillaMarci remake )
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2019, 06:48:28 AM »
[...] bla bla bla [...]

Now you go create a remake, but don't choke!

Offline Art  

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Re: Aftermath(Aftermath - KillaMarci remake )
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2019, 07:31:20 AM »
reported for reporting for breaking unexisting rule.

[spoiler_block]Also, i am not the one who missed KillaMarci's SF bump stunt and landed Los Santos bump2prec like, fuck, do not even know how to call that "landing", some advanced cliffhanging. And we even not talking about that SF infy tank bump "landing"[/spoiler_block]

The real question is: are we going to see the rest of the stunts from original video?

Offline Jomra

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Re: Aftermath(Aftermath - KillaMarci remake )
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2019, 07:36:42 AM »
Some half-bothered spots, a little low that you copied beats edit but I guess copying is an effort aswell and its probably meant as some hommage or smth idk. Dunno what these other KM stunts were or why they are in the vid. Not a fan of the original video, not too much of a fan of this one but still nice work and also shoutout for landing that rebellion curb2bump.
E: forgot some stuff: question I always ask is what was the hardest stunt? also wtf you relanded the finisher gj
« Last Edit: August 21, 2019, 07:52:04 AM by Jomra »

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Re: Aftermath(Aftermath - KillaMarci remake )
« Reply #7 on: August 21, 2019, 01:21:27 PM »
I enjoyed watching that, good job man, keep it up :happy:

Offline Minq

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Re: Aftermath(Aftermath - KillaMarci remake )
« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2019, 06:29:17 PM »
shoutout for landing that rebellion curb2bump.

This! Also shoutout to the limited people on twitch that believed it wasn't possible (You suck big time) :lol:
Overall fantastic remake.

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Re: Aftermath(Aftermath - KillaMarci remake )
« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2019, 10:36:55 AM »
I always find it inspiring when someone makes a remake video. You have landed some really great stunts, just like the rebellion infy curbbump or the finisher (would never try to re-do a double on that lol). When I was watching your version, I was wondering: did KM really not include his SF highbump2hotel in his best of? So I was curious, checked his original video and realised you landed some other stunts and swapped them (almost) brilliantly  :lol: The glen park curbbump instead of the SF highbump was a worthy swap if we can say something like this, and the boost replacement to a boost was as good of a swap as it can be. But I still would have liked it much better if you manage to land those original stunts, especially because you were so close to finish the project. I just wonder why you didn't keep trying these stunts when you had the finisher and others landed  :hmm:
All in all I honor your effort of remaking this pretty cool video, I just wish you landed all the stunts.

Offline Art  

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Re: Aftermath(Aftermath - KillaMarci remake )
« Reply #10 on: August 24, 2019, 11:14:36 AM »
^nah guy, its good as it is, this was my only chance to have my stunt in killamarci's best of

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Re: Aftermath(Aftermath - KillaMarci remake )
« Reply #11 on: August 24, 2019, 01:17:23 PM »
Had anyone relanded the ls bump2hostpital top?

Offline Jomra

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Re: Aftermath(Aftermath - KillaMarci remake )
« Reply #12 on: August 24, 2019, 01:18:50 PM »
Had anyone relanded the ls bump2hostpital top?
mmm and artifex

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Re: Aftermath(Aftermath - KillaMarci remake )
« Reply #13 on: August 24, 2019, 01:53:22 PM »
Source on Artifex since MMM is not exactly trust worthy?

Offline SoLoD

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Re: Aftermath(Aftermath - KillaMarci remake )
« Reply #14 on: August 24, 2019, 01:53:48 PM »
First impression - very good  :cheernutz:
Edit gives good vibes.
Now about stunts.
1:45 originally, it was landed with curb 2 tree bump. You landed curb 2 fence. So, formally, it is new stunt (not sure if someone landed it).
1:52 good one. i've seen this one in some very old SA vid with very bad quality (probably it was modded there). Nice one with landing it without heli.
3:48 sadly you did not land this SF bump 2 hotel top. If i am right Taz landed a lower part on that hotel in 2008 or something (this lower part is pretty "easy" compared to the top one).
finisher - never was a fan of that double bump (because Daffy's single bump one exists), but that was a nice one.
Outro - another thanks.
Respect +

Btw, what bump2hopital top stunt are you talking about?


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