Probably my fav V video till date.
I like how excellently you use the terrain, some stunts really reminded me of SA stunting and that's an instant highfive from me. The video contained everything: grinds, doublegrinds, multiple grinds, lot of grinds, wallride stuff combined with grinds or precisions, huge car stuff with great air. Some standouts for me: second stunt with that bump2grind2treepec, the landing was totally unexpected, havent seen anything quite like this in V; the team stunt at 3:40 with those precisions; the bmx combo at 5:20 because it looked freaking amazing; the huge dropbump at 5:37 (although already released) and that long grindcombo at 6:00.
The editing combined with these songs created a good atmopshere so it totally lived up to the quality of the stunts. The first part with that song reminded me of the editing of Beat so take it as a compliment.
One big disappointment was for me that the finisher was already released so I was not shocked to see it. After watching thru the video I really looked forward to seeing the grand finale so it was kind of a letdown for me.
But apart from this a very very entertaining video, really good job dude, I might have a fav V stunter