well that was a sick video!!
yall should have done a united/ac collab and just push it for the cv, really sick stuff and the united/ac stuff was kind of useless for me (but better a video than no video!)
love the edit on this a lot! love pretty much every ar video edit there are
stand outs where for me:
kusiu's 2 wheel drive between the trees
afterlife's trough the sign to grind thingy (fucking sick!)
pro magics natbump2grind near the skate park
minq bike grab2prec
chilers helicopter theft (that prec fucking killed it
erneys mtb spin2grind fucking SIIIIIIICK
erneys bump2prec at the airport... why would you put your self trough landing that, looks so fucking hard!!
mqth's that tree prec really cool landing!
dont say there is anything modded or anything like that i dont care but that finisher looked so goofy!
the way your back wheel slides to the side in the packer and the you hit the bump a bit sideways AND you get so huge bump from that.
biel could you show the runup you have on that p2b at the casino ?
plus i hate the popped front tyre stuff in sa :/
plus who the fuck uses facebook still
PLUS love the drama up in here!
cant wait for the next one! the creativity some of you guys have is so sick! like really creative but not that stupid overly random creativity
plus plus plus!!!!!!!!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7yL4yBMGPMdoes everyone stunt like this?
wtf i always try the stunt with slow speed, hit the bump a couple of times and then with high speed
i bump the bumps 8/10 times
you hit that 8/27 times and 1 was close and 1 kind of close?
i could never try a spot fail the BUMP 10 times in a row, holy shit!!
(this goes for vc and sa)
props for you biel for landing sick stuff like that tho!!!
last plus plus plus plus
after watching a couple of older ar videos HOLY SHIT afterlife is a next level stunter! i always knew you were sick but god damn!