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Offline NumeRo

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Re: Modus Operandi - Noire
« Reply #45 on: September 04, 2017, 09:10:30 AM »
holly molly guacamole  :wub: that was foooking awzum :-o Rainbow boosts are nasty as ever Knapman was also great
sick video ladies ;D full review later

Offline Caio

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Re: Modus Operandi - Noire
« Reply #46 on: September 06, 2017, 03:28:48 PM »
Not much to say apart from what was said here... you killed it guys! Best stunting I've seen in a long while, I have seen many of those clips, but still, I was surprised with such quality stunting.

Thanks for letting me be a part of it and, in a way, giving me incentive to re-install GTA and land one for this. Probably that single stunt is the last one I landed, and it's great to see it in a video like this!


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Re: Modus Operandi - Noire
« Reply #47 on: September 07, 2017, 08:50:57 AM »
 ;D ;D ;D

Offline Srcry

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Re: Modus Operandi - Noire
« Reply #48 on: September 07, 2017, 07:33:24 PM »
Much love Frank. Excellent use of your 999th post!

Offline J.Mario

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Re: Modus Operandi - Noire
« Reply #49 on: September 08, 2017, 08:13:18 AM »
Nive review frankie <3

Btw ODR cried OUT OF SHIT after seeing the opener p2b just cuz he lost it  loooool

Offline Turok

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Re: Modus Operandi - Noire
« Reply #50 on: September 08, 2017, 02:49:42 PM »
Review by: Turok

[1st part]
0:13 - FIGHTER - p2b2roof: just a day or two before the release some DSS members were trying it  :D perfect choice
                          for opener, amazing execution there, man!
0:24 - Knapman - bump2prec: to me this is your best stunt for the video, amazing spot.
0:30 - Sorcery - grab2grind: okayish stunt
0:36 - Max - packer2doubleledgegrind: fucking loved it, bro - BIG FAN OF DOUBLE GRINDS
0:45 - Rainbow - bump2grab2grind: nice stunt, shame you didnt land the whole grind but we both know it's not your
                         fault  :P :lol:
0:54 - Knapman - bump2roof: nice stunt, I love natural bumps!
0:59 - TurBo - boost2prec: cool one!
1:09 - Bark - csm2prec: you are one of my new favourite VC stunters, I love you. this stunt just adds up to the love
1:17 - Bark - csm2ledgegrind: this also adds up to the love, extra.. man, GREAT JOB ON GRINDING THIS, its flawless
1:24 - Rainbow - ledgegrind2spin2grind: amazing spot, Rain.. your best grind of the video imo
1:33 - Knapman - bump2bounce2grind: nice one!
1:44 - Sheikah - tank2carpark: nothing special.
1:56 - ZeRo - bump2mag2roof: grab doesnt make it better in my eyes, quite disappointed with you on this one
2:05 - Caio - bump2grind: wow I absofuckinglutely adore this idea, nat 2 ledge  :cheernutz:
2:17 - Gryzlek - p2b2vrock: BOWS! what a spot.. your best stunt in the video
2:28 - Rainbow - bump2crane: one thing to say: MY FAVORITE STUNT OF THE WHOLE VIDEO (and probably your
                                              personal best all time in my eyes)
2:37 - Knapman - ramp2grind: nice idea! wondering how it has never been done before  :hmm:
2:52 - Cooper - dropbumpwatergap: nice twist on that classical gap there, fella!
2:58 - Bark - stoppie2grind: I personally like the stoppie to ledge to prec there in your trio with max and argy
3:10 - MtS - doublebump2roof: even with one single stunt in the video, you RULED!! you are also one of my all time
                                              fav VC stunters! kinda sad you didnt have more stunts man  :(
3:16 - Rainbow - boost2crane: I dig every landing of this crane, this is crazy! I know the angle made it extremely
                                             hard to land, man.. GfuckingJ!
3:25 - Cooper - dropbump2overpass: okayish stunt
3:32 - Max - bump2ledgegrind: your best stunt in the video, AMAZING IDEA AND EXECUTION! LOVE YOU!
3:40 - Bark - bump2stoppie2grind: ... aaand this also adds up to the love! the best way this grind has been landed
                                                    there, sweet execution.
3:49 - Sorcery - bsm2bbgrind2ledgegrind: you really brought up the level with this one, Sorcery. I cant believe how
                                                              good you've become throughout the years! with this video it's one leap
                                                              further ahead!
3:58 - ViceNinja - bump2roof: mehish one, still - nice to see you in the video!
4:04 - TurBo - boost2grind2prec: I suppose this wasnt your idea, you were heading for the prec of the roof, right?
                                                 didnt like the stunt you landed a lot, honestly
4:14 - Rainbow - boost2boost2prec: one of your best ideas ever, LOVE you, you creative motherfucker!
4:22 - Knapman - wallhit2slowgrind: nice one
4:34 - wviMis - lovefistlimobump2prec: I remember when BG Hitman landed just the roof, it was a good stunt but
                                                         hey! YOU BLOODY OWNED HIM. Your best stunt in the video
4:40 - Aries - bsm2roof: nice bsm
4:46 - Gryzlek - dropbump2grind: I've personally felt the pain of this spot.. well done, mate, well done
4:54 - Rainbow - bsm2roof: second best stunt of the video, I dont need to use capslock. why didnt you use it for fini?
5:03 - Knapman - staircasewallhit2prec: amazing idea, knapman!

[2nd part]
5:19 - ZeRo - ramp2bump2vrock: now THIS IS MY ZERO I KNOW! 10/10 I dig your nats, buddy!
5:31 - Knapman - bumpgrab2grind: boring one
5:37 - wviMis - ramp2doublegrind: wow, wow, wow! such a shame we let you leave DSS!  :P
                                     MY FAV VC STUNTERS! rock on, mister!
5:54 - Sorcery - bsm2bbgrind2ledgegrind: same opinion as for the other double grind of yours, YOU KILLIN' IT
6:02 - Cooper - dropbump2roof: okayish one, I guess
6:07 - TurBo - wallride2doublegrind: okay, I wouldnt call that a double grind. not impressed
6:17 - Rainbow - dropbump2wallhit2doublegrind: creative motherfucker strikes back again!
6:25 - Knapman - firetruckdropbump2grind: I love stunts where the lads use automatically spawned vehicles, GJ BRA
6:30 - Cooper - dropbump2roof: another okayish one
6:41 - Gryzlek - bump2bb: AMAZING NATURAL BUMP, wow man, continue with that consistency at VC! love your style
6:52 - Knapman - spin2tripleledgegrind: fancy one, m8!
6:59 - FIGHTER - p2b2roof: WOOOW, DUDE GJ ON THIS SPOT! I've been trying it and edging it for so many years
                                         now.. we even tried it together with big V at his place back in 2013 xd
7:07 - Edga - trashmasterbump2roof: nice to see you but.. boring stunt!
7:16 - Rainbow - bump2doublegrind: nat to double grind? yeah the usual Rainbow stuff.. decent one, m8
7:28 - Sorcery - grind2grab2grind: I'm not a big fan of those ideas that include grabs but this was a smart one!
7:36 - wviMis - grind2prec: fancy way to finish it there on the prec, segnore!
7:45 - Sheikah - slide2grind: another boring one
7:50 - Zero - csm2grind: nice execution but again disappointed, it's been landed twice or more from the other side
8:01 - Knapman - spingap2ramp2grind: this is literally one of the most creative grinds I've ever seen. 10/10
8:13 - Gryzlek - bump2grind: you OWN. please do land more VC stuff, Grizzly bear!
8:25 - Max - bus2bump2roof: okayish one, I've seen better by you
8:30 - Rainbow - boost2hit2antenna: I've landed this antenna twice but you own both of my stunts with this. 10/10
8:42 - Sorcery - bump2mag2roof: this is the kind of stunts I dont like
8:49 - Cooper - dropbump2palm: stylish one, brah! liked it.
8:57 - Rainbow - packer2palmbump2roof: THE RHINO SQUAAAAAAAD! HIGH FIVE FOR OWNING THE MOISTY TOP!
9:04 - Knapman - spin2collisiongrind: wow, how did you find this.. just wow. and flawless execution!
9:17 - Gryzlek - highbump2prec: another stunt that I know is painful. GJ! I thought it was still new but Gavan told
                                                me it's old
9:29 - FIGHTER - ledgegrind2grind: I rarely see you grindin' man.. sick double grind idea, very smart!!
9:40 - Sorcery - bump2mag2prec: okay this was actually pretty cool.. finishing it to that prec from an air grab..
9:52 - Knapman - bumpgrab2grind: nope
9:59 – Rainbow - boost2lighthouse: YOU MOTHERFUCKING LUCKER, AMAZING STUNT AND LANDING! it's a good
                                                    finisher idea but I still consider your LC bsm to roof the best choice for that.

Outro (Scripting by MtS. Music, effects and voice acting by Sorcery): nice! didnt get anything because I have never played the missions! Just popped into VC stunting back in 2009!  :lol:

Soundtrack: very adapted to the stunts, pleasantful tracks!

Editing: not overdoing it was just what I needed, Maxiem! 10/10

Overall: 8.5/10

Offline TurBo

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Re: Modus Operandi - Noire
« Reply #51 on: September 08, 2017, 09:09:08 PM »
The infernus stunt, although it may not look so, was grinded till the very end of the 2nd rail and I made sure of it having been on the spot for years on and off. I may need to post a clip. The taxi combo was fully intentional and it was my attempt to do something different and fresh with a boost and that spot offered the perfect opportunity with the grind located directly ahead of the tiny boost(its hard to reach btw, give it a shot) and the ledge prec after it. I get its not conventional but I am super happy to have been able to nail it and to do it enough justice with the execution.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2017, 09:34:39 PM by TurBo »


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Re: Modus Operandi - Noire
« Reply #52 on: September 09, 2017, 12:48:14 AM »
Nive review frankie <3

Btw ODR cried OUT OF SHIT after seeing the opener p2b just cuz he lost it  loooool

Im curious about his landing :D is there a clip? i got so many better attempts then the one i landed

Offline Bark

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Re: Modus Operandi - Noire
« Reply #53 on: September 09, 2017, 05:36:22 AM »
Much love to everybody for the nice words!

This vid right here is definitely a milestone of some sort in this thing we call gtas. Beautifully executed stunts and complex ideas, plus the music totally compliments the atmosphere of the game & editing, so kudos to Rainbow for making that happen!



Offline J.Mario

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Re: Modus Operandi - Noire
« Reply #54 on: September 09, 2017, 08:15:36 AM »
Nive review frankie <3

Btw ODR cried OUT OF SHIT after seeing the opener p2b just cuz he lost it  loooool

Im curious about his landing :D is there a clip? i got so many better attempts then the one i landed
Oh I mean, he just thought that the spot wouldn't be found easily so he could take it easy and not likely to land it in push. But now  :lol:

Offline Turok

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Re: Modus Operandi - Noire
« Reply #55 on: September 09, 2017, 10:43:18 AM »
Nive review frankie <3

Btw ODR cried OUT OF SHIT after seeing the opener p2b just cuz he lost it  loooool

Im curious about his landing :D is there a clip? i got so many better attempts then the one i landed
Oh I mean, he just thought that the spot wouldn't be found easily so he could take it easy and not likely to land it in push. But now  :lol:
Its a very popular spot in the forum actually  :lol:

Offline Herb

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Re: Modus Operandi - Noire
« Reply #56 on: September 10, 2017, 01:20:39 AM »
Review by: sheikah16

[1st part]
0:13 - FIGHTER - p2b2roof: Pretty sick. That's a huge distance.
0:24 - Knapman - bump2prec: I gave this a shot when you originally shared the spot and got nowhere near it. Good job dude.
0:30 - Sorcery - grab2grind: Silky smooth as always.
0:36 - Max - packer2doubleledgegrind: You guys make all your grinds always look so easy. I'm jealous.
0:45 - Rainbow - bump2grab2grind: Awesome spot and execution. Only negative is you didn't get the full rail.
0:54 - Knapman - bump2roof: Kinda meh compared to all your other bangers in the vid imo. Still not bad.
0:59 - TurBo - boost2prec: The taxi master is back. Idk how you guys can get such good boosts of such tiny walls.
1:09 - Bark - csm2prec: I'm not big on csm's but this was fucking sick.
1:17 - Bark - csm2ledgegrind: Even sicker then the prec  :o
1:24 - Rainbow - ledgegrind2spin2grind: The cam angle made this kind of hard to see but seeing it fully in the betas I know it was excellently executed.
1:33 - Knapman - bump2bounce2grind: Awesome stuff again.
1:44 - Sheikah - tank2carpark: 12/10 pyramid scheme meme
1:56 - ZeRo - bump2mag2roof: This was fucking nuts.
2:05 - Caio - bump2grind: Good to see you in the vid. Nice stunt, shame it wasn't in the LC airport though.
2:17 - Gryzlek - p2b2vrock: So happy to see this landed and without rads too.
2:28 - Rainbow - bump2crane: Nicely done.
2:37 - Knapman - ramp2grind: Can't believe this wasn't done before. You're the master of that rail.
2:52 - Cooper - dropbumpwatergap: Kinda meh but that spin through the boxes made it look dope.
2:58 - Bark - stoppie2grind: Smooth as butter.
3:10 - MtS - doublebump2roof: Good job landing this. I tried it myself and gave up as I didn't think it was possible with the short run up. I like how you just barely got onto the roof.
3:16 - Rainbow - boost2crane: You and your taxi precision. You make em look effortless.
3:25 - Cooper - dropbump2overpass: Idk how you do drop bumps so easily. Awesome.
3:32 - Max - bump2ledgegrind: Good eye finding this spot and smooth execution. If you somehow did a double grind I would've lost my shit.
3:40 - Bark - bump2stoppie2grind: Amazing extension on a classic spot. Also amazed how you didn't bail at the end.
3:49 - Sorcery - bsm2bbgrind2ledgegrind: Good stuff as usual.
3:58 - ViceNinja - bump2roof: I'm still confused as to what you even bumped. Nice old school style.
4:04 - TurBo - boost2grind2prec: You have an eye for these weird taxi combos that most don't have. Gj.
4:14 - Rainbow - boost2boost2prec: Those roofs are a pain to land on. Good stuff.
4:22 - Knapman - wallhit2slowgrind: You and your amazing slow grind ability. Simply epic.
4:34 - wviMis - lovefistlimobump2prec: I love stunts involving cars that are in set spawn locations and this was epic.
4:40 - Aries - bsm2roof: Pretty decent but I preferred the one from the beta.
4:46 - Gryzlek - dropbump2grind: Feat job unlaming this.
4:54 - Rainbow - bsm2roof: Probably my favorite landing of this roof.
5:03 - Knapman - staircasewallhit2prec: Can't believe this isn't old. Good stuff man.

[2nd part]
5:19 - ZeRo - ramp2bump2vrock: Good job unlaming this without a csm.
5:31 - Knapman - bumpgrab2grind: Looks like you're unseating Joe as the new grab grind master. Sexy execution.
5:37 - wviMis - ramp2doublegrind: Love these unconventional grind spots. Nicely done.
5:43 - ZeRo - triplegrind: Technically this is a 5x grind, Maxiem. Awesomely done Peter.
5:54 - Sorcery - bsm2bbgrind2ledgegrind: Sick. Only thing that would've made it better is if you somehow got the 3rd ledge.
6:02 - Cooper - dropbump2roof: Good job you drop bump master.
6:07 - TurBo - wallride2doublegrind: I know you worked on this a ton. Gj finally nailing it.
6:17 - Rainbow - dropbump2wallhit2doublegrind: Nicely done but the bail midair kinda lessens it imo.
6:25 - Knapman - firetruckdropbump2grind: As previously stated I loved fixed spawn vehicle stunts. Awesome shit dude.
6:30 - Cooper - dropbump2roof: Good job unlaming this. Guess MO is the crew of unlaming now  :euro:
6:41 - Gryzlek - bump2bb: Nice to see BK's challenge finally done.
6:52 - Knapman - spin2tripleledgegrind: Super smooth as expected from you.
6:59 - FIGHTER - p2b2roof: Looks like it was a bitch to bump. Good stuff. 
7:07 - Edga - trashmasterbump2roof: I love experimental stuff like this. The spins  made it look dope.
7:16 - Rainbow - bump2doublegrind: Gj getting the whole rail unlike that coward Muhammad Farrukh.
7:28 - Sorcery - grind2grab2grind: You're one of the few people who can make ground grabs actually neat.
7:36 - wviMis - grind2prec: Sick.
7:45 - Sheikah - slide2grind: Should've been finisher tbh
7:50 - Zero - csm2grind: Not bad but I feel it's basically the same thing BK did in TMS-TMS
8:01 - Knapman - spingap2ramp2grind: Not bad but I still want to see the actual ledge grind done.
8:13 - Gryzlek - bump2grind: Idk how this isn't old. You have a good eye.
8:25 - Max - bus2bump2roof: Awesome idea. Would've been sicker if you got one of those tiny square landings.
8:30 - Rainbow - boost2hit2antenna: Probably my favorite taxi landing of this antenna.
8:42 - Sorcery - bump2mag2roof: Nice addition to a classic spot. Only wish you hadn't landed on the wall as it makes it look kinda sloppy.
8:49 - Cooper - dropbump2palm: Nicely done.
8:57 - Rainbow - packer2palmbump2roof: Favorite stunt of the vid. Imo it should've been the finisher.
9:04 - Knapman - spin2collisiongrind: Again with your amazyslow grind ability. You destroyed this spot.
9:17 - Gryzlek - highbump2prec: GJ getting this. I know a lot of us, me included, were super close to it but you were the only one able to nail it. Again gj.
9:29 - FIGHTER - ledgegrind2grind: I don't think this is much different than Haywire's stunt in Spiengraph, although you didn't bail like he did, so good job on that.
9:40 - Sorcery - bump2mag2prec: Again, nice addition to a classic spot. Good stuff.
9:52 - Knapman - bumpgrab2grind: Favorite grab to grind of the whole vid. So fucking smooth.
9:59 – Rainbow - boost2lighthouse: Simply amazing given how tiny the landing area is.

Outro (Scripting by MtS. Music, effects and voice acting by Sorcery): Loved the music but I feel the scene itself is pretty random. Gj being able to combine 2 missions though, Mateus

Soundtrack: Didn't originally dig it but your editing and the style of stunts with the song choice brought it all together.

Editing: A couple of the cam angles detracted from the stunts but all in all a very well produced video.

Overall: 10/10, easily my favorite vid I ever participated in, even dethroning Ferine from the top spot. Gj yo everyone involved. Also RIP maxiem's hdd's.

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Re: Modus Operandi - Noire
« Reply #57 on: September 10, 2017, 04:29:16 AM »

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Re: Modus Operandi - Noire
« Reply #58 on: September 11, 2017, 11:58:21 AM »
One of the best videos ever stunting wise. It was really entertaining, made me interested in opening VC again. Thank you guys.
Didn't like the editing and the songs but tastes are different I guess.

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Re: Modus Operandi - Noire
« Reply #59 on: September 17, 2017, 05:05:39 PM »
FINALLY got to see this!!
Loved the edit Rainbow, glad you could pull it off after all this time :a-cheer:
This has to be one of my favourite videos of all time, so glad to be in it
Love ya all :wub:


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