Review by: Turok
[1st part]
0:13 - FIGHTER - p2b2roof: just a day or two before the release some DSS members were trying it

perfect choice
for opener, amazing execution there, man!
0:24 - Knapman - bump2prec: to me this is your best stunt for the video, amazing spot.
0:30 - Sorcery - grab2grind: okayish stunt
0:36 - Max - packer2doubleledgegrind: fucking loved it, bro - BIG FAN OF DOUBLE GRINDS
0:45 - Rainbow - bump2grab2grind: nice stunt, shame you didnt land the whole grind but we both know it's not your

0:54 - Knapman - bump2roof: nice stunt, I love natural bumps!
0:59 - TurBo - boost2prec: cool one!
1:09 - Bark - csm2prec: you are one of my new favourite VC stunters, I love you. this stunt just adds up to the love
1:17 - Bark - csm2ledgegrind: this also adds up to the love, extra.. man, GREAT JOB ON GRINDING THIS, its flawless
1:24 - Rainbow - ledgegrind2spin2grind: amazing spot, Rain.. your best grind of the video imo
1:33 - Knapman - bump2bounce2grind: nice one!
1:44 - Sheikah - tank2carpark: nothing special.
1:56 - ZeRo - bump2mag2roof: grab doesnt make it better in my eyes, quite disappointed with you on this one
2:05 - Caio - bump2grind: wow I absofuckinglutely adore this idea, nat 2 ledge
2:17 - Gryzlek - p2b2vrock: BOWS! what a spot.. your best stunt in the video
2:28 - Rainbow - bump2crane: one thing to say: MY FAVORITE STUNT OF THE WHOLE VIDEO (and probably your
personal best all time in my eyes)
2:37 - Knapman - ramp2grind: nice idea! wondering how it has never been done before

2:52 - Cooper - dropbumpwatergap: nice twist on that classical gap there, fella!
2:58 - Bark - stoppie2grind: I personally like the stoppie to ledge to prec there in your trio with max and argy
3:10 - MtS - doublebump2roof: even with one single stunt in the video, you RULED!! you are also one of my all time
fav VC stunters! kinda sad you didnt have more stunts man

3:16 - Rainbow - boost2crane: I dig every landing of this crane, this is crazy! I know the angle made it extremely
hard to land, man.. GfuckingJ!
3:25 - Cooper - dropbump2overpass: okayish stunt
3:32 - Max - bump2ledgegrind: your best stunt in the video, AMAZING IDEA AND EXECUTION! LOVE YOU!
3:40 - Bark - bump2stoppie2grind: ... aaand this also adds up to the love! the best way this grind has been landed
there, sweet execution.
3:49 - Sorcery - bsm2bbgrind2ledgegrind: you really brought up the level with this one, Sorcery. I cant believe how
good you've become throughout the years! with this video it's one leap
further ahead!
3:58 - ViceNinja - bump2roof: mehish one, still - nice to see you in the video!
4:04 - TurBo - boost2grind2prec: I suppose this wasnt your idea, you were heading for the prec of the roof, right?
didnt like the stunt you landed a lot, honestly
4:14 - Rainbow - boost2boost2prec: one of your best ideas ever, LOVE you, you creative motherfucker!
4:22 - Knapman - wallhit2slowgrind: nice one
4:34 - wviMis - lovefistlimobump2prec: I remember when BG Hitman landed just the roof, it was a good stunt but
hey! YOU BLOODY OWNED HIM. Your best stunt in the video
4:40 - Aries - bsm2roof: nice bsm
4:46 - Gryzlek - dropbump2grind: I've personally felt the pain of this spot.. well done, mate, well done
4:54 - Rainbow - bsm2roof: second best stunt of the video, I dont need to use capslock. why didnt you use it for fini?
5:03 - Knapman - staircasewallhit2prec: amazing idea, knapman!
[2nd part]
5:19 - ZeRo - ramp2bump2vrock: now THIS IS MY ZERO I KNOW! 10/10 I dig your nats, buddy!
5:31 - Knapman - bumpgrab2grind: boring one
5:37 - wviMis - ramp2doublegrind: wow, wow, wow! such a shame we let you leave DSS!

MY FAV VC STUNTERS! rock on, mister!
5:54 - Sorcery - bsm2bbgrind2ledgegrind: same opinion as for the other double grind of yours, YOU KILLIN' IT
6:02 - Cooper - dropbump2roof: okayish one, I guess
6:07 - TurBo - wallride2doublegrind: okay, I wouldnt call that a double grind. not impressed
6:17 - Rainbow - dropbump2wallhit2doublegrind: creative motherfucker strikes back again!
6:25 - Knapman - firetruckdropbump2grind: I love stunts where the lads use automatically spawned vehicles, GJ BRA
6:30 - Cooper - dropbump2roof: another okayish one
6:41 - Gryzlek - bump2bb: AMAZING NATURAL BUMP, wow man, continue with that consistency at VC! love your style
6:52 - Knapman - spin2tripleledgegrind: fancy one, m8!
6:59 - FIGHTER - p2b2roof: WOOOW, DUDE GJ ON THIS SPOT! I've been trying it and edging it for so many years
now.. we even tried it together with big V at his place back in 2013 xd
7:07 - Edga - trashmasterbump2roof: nice to see you but.. boring stunt!
7:16 - Rainbow - bump2doublegrind: nat to double grind? yeah the usual Rainbow stuff.. decent one, m8
7:28 - Sorcery - grind2grab2grind: I'm not a big fan of those ideas that include grabs but this was a smart one!
7:36 - wviMis - grind2prec: fancy way to finish it there on the prec, segnore!
7:45 - Sheikah - slide2grind: another boring one
7:50 - Zero - csm2grind: nice execution but again disappointed, it's been landed twice or more from the other side
8:01 - Knapman - spingap2ramp2grind: this is literally one of the most creative grinds I've ever seen. 10/10
8:13 - Gryzlek - bump2grind: you OWN. please do land more VC stuff, Grizzly bear!
8:25 - Max - bus2bump2roof: okayish one, I've seen better by you
8:30 - Rainbow - boost2hit2antenna: I've landed this antenna twice but you own both of my stunts with this. 10/10
8:42 - Sorcery - bump2mag2roof: this is the kind of stunts I dont like
8:49 - Cooper - dropbump2palm: stylish one, brah! liked it.
8:57 - Rainbow - packer2palmbump2roof: THE RHINO SQUAAAAAAAD! HIGH FIVE FOR OWNING THE MOISTY TOP!
9:04 - Knapman - spin2collisiongrind: wow, how did you find this.. just wow. and flawless execution!
9:17 - Gryzlek - highbump2prec: another stunt that I know is painful. GJ! I thought it was still new but Gavan told
me it's old
9:29 - FIGHTER - ledgegrind2grind: I rarely see you grindin' man.. sick double grind idea, very smart!!
9:40 - Sorcery - bump2mag2prec: okay this was actually pretty cool.. finishing it to that prec from an air grab..
9:52 - Knapman - bumpgrab2grind: nope
9:59 – Rainbow - boost2lighthouse: YOU MOTHERFUCKING LUCKER, AMAZING STUNT AND LANDING! it's a good
finisher idea but I still consider your LC bsm to roof the best choice for that.
Outro (Scripting by MtS. Music, effects and voice acting by Sorcery): nice! didnt get anything because I have never played the missions! Just popped into VC stunting back in 2009!
Soundtrack: very adapted to the stunts, pleasantful tracks!
Editing: not overdoing it was just what I needed, Maxiem! 10/10
Overall: 8.5/10