GTAStunting Discord Server Good day everyone! I am sure you all have heard of Discord! In any case if you have not I will just give you a quick run down of what it is.
Discord is (or similiar to) a VoIP-client which is used for various things like sharing media, chatting and even talking to each other by voice. It is also possible to have custom emotes just like with MSN (minus GIFs). You can install it on your computer/laptop/smartphone or just have it open in your browser. The choice is yours!
Disclaimer: This will not in any way shape or form replace the forums and participation is merely voluntarily. If you do want to join then just shoot me a quick message and I will invite you. I am also open for suggestions to improve the server.
Just simply make an account on the page I am providing below and you should be good to go! Should you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me. You know the drill.
Download Link:DiscordMembership LinkI WANT IN!