Author Topic: Solid Ground 2  (Read 16238 times)

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Offline SyperDimon

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Re: Solid Ground 2
« Reply #45 on: August 01, 2016, 08:01:03 AM »

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Re: Solid Ground 2
« Reply #46 on: August 01, 2016, 09:40:09 AM »
Whoa, I must say that I didn't expect this from you.

Offline Art  

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Re: Solid Ground 2
« Reply #47 on: August 01, 2016, 02:10:05 PM »
Full review of Solig Dround 2
by my name

Editing: the first part fitted the editing the most, the other two seemed rushed or underedited for me, the camera angles were pretty good though

Soundtrack: first song was cool, second was shit, third was cool but got a lot more potential than you used

PrzemOO [0:06 - 0:28] nrg packer2watergap2cliffclimb2grind - solid stunt, i've been trying this walltap with a beagle2curbbump, no success there tho, gj
Artifex [0:29 - 0:32] nrg curb2ramp2signprec - small stunt, the execution could be better there i guess
SkilZ [0:33 - 0:45] mtb stairsbhop2backwardstoppie2tecjump2bbgrind - nothing special, bonus points for that spin tho
Promagic [0:46 - 0:54] nrg verticalbump2cork2shortledgegrind - good one, a fluke i guess?
Reynolds [0:55 - 1:11] pizzaboy ramp2ledgegrind - not as good looking as in vc, still good job there
Ars [1:15 - 1:24] infernus doublebump2roof - nothing special there
Burn [1:25 - 1:29] nrg ramp2kisstherail2*360*2grind - clever one, tried that before, good to see it landed
ToTy [1:30 - 1:36] nrg packer2bump2tree - nothing special there too
NumeRo [1:37 - 1:42] nrg packer2bump2hangar -  impressed me there, good execution and a good eye
Ktulu [1:43 - 1:50] infernus packer2bump2factory - thought its been landed before, pretty obvious one
Kruth [1:51 - 2:01] nrg ramp2krail2grind - meh
MqtH [2:02 - 2:11] nrg dropbump2grind - meh
KiTz [2:12 - 2:20] nrg doublebump2precision - clever way to bump this, also the farther precision makes it better
Diaz [2:21 - 2:30] nrg 3xramp2dropbump2wallride2grind2roof - didnt scavenger do/mod this before?
Promagic [2:31 - 2:39] nrg wallride2prec - thought some blacktear done/modded it before, good stunt though
Burn [2:40 - 2:48] nrg smallbump2vrock(2ndpart) - meh
SkilZ [2:49 - 3:00] cabbie boost2ledgebump2satelliteprecision - meh
Erney [3:01 - 3:17] nrg wallkick2backwardstoppie2ledgegrind - meh
Art [3:18 - 3:27] nrg ramp2krail2ledgegrind2anotherone - great stunt 10/10
Tracker [3:27 - 3:35] nrg 2xbump2"X"precision - good thinking with the runup
Rusch69 [3:36 - 3:45] infernus rhinobump2highroof - tried this before with no luck, good job
Rusch69 [3:48 - 3:54] nrg highbump2bridgeprecision - didnt fto do this in uv+?
Art [3:55 - 3:58] nrg ramp2shortledgegrind2precision - great thinking, 10/10
Afterlife [3:59 - 4:06] nrg houseramp2cluckinbell - liked the idea, the landing was kind of a letdown though
Tracker [4:07 - 4:13] nrg backbump2precision - terrible
Ars [4:14 - 4:20] pizzaboy wallride2precision - impressive for a pizzaboy, loved it
Artifex [4:21 - 4:25] nrg doublebump2grind - meh
Burn [4:26 - 4:35] nrg krail2grind2*180*2grind - good execution there
Bart [4:36 - 4:45] nrg doublebump2wallkick2signprecision - good thinking, coulda grinded it tho
KiTz [4:46 - 4:58] nrg packer2bump2precision - meh
Ktulu [4:59 - 5:20] cabbie longinvertedboost - meh
ToTy [5:21 - 5:26] nrg bump2fourthfloor(parkinglot) - loved this one
Rusch69 [5:27 - 5:44] nrg wallride2wheeliecombo2grind - good start, could have went the other side for them grinds
Bart [5:45 - 5:50] infernus rhinobump2roof - nothing special
Sheikah16 [5:51 - 5:56] freeway packer2ramp2grind - meh
Art [5:57 - 6:08] nrg backbump2ledgegrind - sick krail and sick grind 10/10
Diaz [6:09 - 6:19] fcr packer2bump2wallkick2roof - meh
Gryzlek [6:20 - 6:28] nrg doublebump2krail2grind - good one
Promagic [6:29 - 6:36] cabbie barrelroll2boost2chimney - nicely mixed in that roll for that stunt
Artifex [6:37 - 6:46] ambulance wallride2roof - meh
alieNboy [6:47 - 6:53] nrg bump2wallkick2precision - meh
Sheikah16 [6:54 - 6:59] sweeper drop2chimney - kek, liked the idea
Rusch69 [7:00 - 7:10] cabbie boost2grind2stoponprecision - would love to see the whole thing grinded
Bart [7:11 - 7:19] infernus ramp2dumperbump2roof2dropbump2highroof - fuckkk
Burn [7:20 - 7:30] nrg packer2doublebump2chimney(notop=banhimplease) - top landing when

Offline Mati

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Re: Solid Ground 2
« Reply #48 on: August 02, 2016, 12:09:52 PM »
Full review of Solid Ground 2
by Tracker

I loved second part, awesome angles. 8,5/10


PrzemOO [0:06 - 0:28] nrg packer2watergap2cliffclimb2grind - rly coolio combo
Artifex [0:29 - 0:32] nrg curb2ramp2signprec - old, I'm pretty sure
SkilZ [0:33 - 0:45] mtb stairsbhop2backwardstoppie2tecjump2bbgrind - rly smooth shit, I like it
Promagic [0:46 - 0:54] nrg verticalbump2cork2shortledgegrind - not a fan, freeplay saved this .rep
Reynolds [0:55 - 1:11] pizzaboy ramp2ledgegrind - good to see this slide in sa
Ars [1:15 - 1:24] infernus doublebump2roof - cool air and really smooth landing
Burn [1:25 - 1:29] nrg ramp2kisstherail2*360*2grind - good find, looks nice
ToTy [1:30 - 1:36] nrg packer2bump2tree - seems easy but looks great
NumeRo [1:37 - 1:42] nrg packer2bump2hangar - nice find bronek, cool rotation
Ktulu [1:43 - 1:50] infernus packer2bump2factory - old i think
Kruth [1:51 - 2:01] nrg ramp2krail2grind - meh
MqtH [2:02 - 2:11] nrg dropbump2grind - like it
KiTz [2:12 - 2:20] nrg doublebump2precision - mediocre
Diaz [2:21 - 2:30] nrg 3xramp2dropbump2wallride2grind2roof - old i think
Promagic [2:31 - 2:39] nrg wallride2prec - fancy
Burn [2:40 - 2:48] nrg smallbump2vrock(2ndpart) - cool natural
SkilZ [2:49 - 3:00] cabbie boost2ledgebump2satelliteprecision - mediocre
Erney [3:01 - 3:17] nrg wallkick2backwardstoppie2ledgegrind - shit
Art [3:18 - 3:27] nrg ramp2krail2ledgegrind2 - 8/10
Tracker [3:27 - 3:35] nrg 2xbump2"X"precision - shit
Rusch69 [3:36 - 3:45] infernus rhinobump2highroof - landing :(
Rusch69 [3:48 - 3:54] nrg highbump2bridgeprecision - old i think//e//nothin' special 2/10 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Art [3:55 - 3:58] nrg ramp2shortledgegrind2precision - 5,5/10
Afterlife [3:59 - 4:06] nrg houseramp2cluckinbell - meh
Tracker [4:07 - 4:13] nrg backbump2precision - shit
Ars [4:14 - 4:20] pizzaboy wallride2precision - never tried with pizzaboy
Artifex [4:21 - 4:25] nrg doublebump2grind - mediocre
Burn [4:26 - 4:35] nrg krail2grind2*180*2grind - u land same stunt but in other side, right?
Bart [4:36 - 4:45] nrg doublebump2wallkick2signprecision - cool jumpy-jump
KiTz [4:46 - 4:58] nrg packer2bump2precision - old i think
Ktulu [4:59 - 5:20] cabbie longinvertedboost - meh
ToTy [5:21 - 5:26] nrg bump2fourthfloor(parkinglot) - super
Rusch69 [5:27 - 5:44] nrg wallride2wheeliecombo2grind - creative shit right here
Bart [5:45 - 5:50] infernus rhinobump2roof - looks hard
Sheikah16 [5:51 - 5:56] freeway packer2ramp2grind - looks easy aaaaand shit, also old i think
Art [5:57 - 6:08] nrg backbump2ledgegrind - 6/10
Diaz [6:09 - 6:19] fcr packer2bump2wallkick2roof - mediocre
Gryzlek [6:20 - 6:28] nrg doublebump2krail2grind - smooth as fuck
Promagic [6:29 - 6:36] cabbie barrelroll2boost2chimney - awesome
Artifex [6:37 - 6:46] ambulance wallride2roof - cool
alieNboy [6:47 - 6:53] nrg bump2wallkick2precision - fantastic, I like it
Sheikah16 [6:54 - 6:59] sweeper drop2chimney - meh
Rusch69 [7:00 - 7:10] cabbie boost2grind2stoponprecision - wow
Bart [7:11 - 7:19] infernus ramp2dumperbump2roof2dropbump2highroof - top stunt in this video
Burn [7:20 - 7:30] nrg packer2doublebump2chimney(notop=banhimplease) - wow, just wow

« Last Edit: August 03, 2016, 11:58:21 AM by Mati »

Offline Rusch69

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Re: Solid Ground 2
« Reply #49 on: August 02, 2016, 12:16:26 PM »
@Polacks: FTO landed the square pillar, not the angled arc.

Offline Art  

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Re: Solid Ground 2
« Reply #50 on: August 03, 2016, 02:45:34 AM »
@Polacks: FTO landed the square pillar, not the angled arc.

woops, my bad, just checked it now
still a 5/10

Offline Amaluna

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Re: Solid Ground 2
« Reply #51 on: August 03, 2016, 04:11:40 AM »
Full review of Solid Ground 2
by your name



PrzemOO [0:06 - 0:28] nrg packer2watergap2cliffclimb2grind - Cool idea, not too much a fan of it. 7/10
Artifex [0:29 - 0:32] nrg curb2ramp2signprec - That is old and it was done with a grind on the guard rail. Still cool though. 6/10
SkilZ [0:33 - 0:45] mtb stairsbhop2backwardstoppie2tecjump2bbgrind - That's pretty nice. The rotation in it really added to the stunt. 7/10
Promagic [0:46 - 0:54] nrg verticalbump2cork2shortledgegrind - I love vertical bumps, they bring so many more possibilities to the game. 8/10
Reynolds [0:55 - 1:11] pizzaboy ramp2ledgegrind - Not too sure what to think of this. It's a ramp to grind. This grind has been done so many times, even with cars and Freeways. So it was kind of disappointing for me. I still like the looks of the stunt. 7/10
Ars [1:15 - 1:24] infernus doublebump2roof - I had this spot too, but with NRG to the precision. This is decent  too. 7/10
Burn [1:25 - 1:29] nrg ramp2kisstherail2*360*2grind - This is the stuff I want to see. Stylish yet simple. 9/10
ToTy [1:30 - 1:36] nrg packer2bump2tree - Nothing too spectacular. I dislike tree lands in general. 6/10
NumeRo [1:37 - 1:42] nrg packer2bump2hangar - This is old I am sure. You had a cool rotation though. 7/10
Ktulu [1:43 - 1:50] infernus packer2bump2factory - This one might be old as well. But I've always been a fan of this type of stunts. 8/10
Kruth [1:51 - 2:01] nrg ramp2krail2grind - This is actually one of my favorite stunts in the video. Because it's simple yet it looks really good and it might just be new as well! 9/10
MqtH [2:02 - 2:11] nrg dropbump2grind - I had this same stunt for a while now and I gave up on it because I disliked it. 6/10
KiTz [2:12 - 2:20] nrg doublebump2precision - The runup makes me think you used a packer in it and that is what puts it off for me. 7/10
Diaz [2:21 - 2:30] nrg 3xramp2dropbump2wallride2grind2roof - Seen this stunt before and I think that was by you as well. I love combos so this is definite worth a 9/10
Promagic [2:31 - 2:39] nrg wallride2prec - I love these wallrides. They look so good! One of my favorite stunts in the video, for sure! 9/10
Burn [2:40 - 2:48] nrg smallbump2vrock(2ndpart) - I've only seen it from this side done with packers so this is a nice fresh add-on. Great job on landing it natural. 9/10
SkilZ [2:49 - 3:00] cabbie boost2ledgebump2satelliteprecision - Pretty cool Cabbie boost to a precision. 8/10
Erney [3:01 - 3:17] nrg wallkick2backwardstoppie2ledgegrind - Cool idea. Shame for the execution. I personally don't reland stunts for the execution either though, so I guess I can't complain. 8/10
Art [3:18 - 3:27] nrg ramp2krail2ledgegrind2anotherone[/url] - I have seen this one before as well. But I like the spot a lot. 8/10
Tracker [3:27 - 3:35] nrg 2xbump2"X"precision - Nice runup and a nice precision. The runup is what made it a lot better. 8/10
Rusch69 [3:36 - 3:45] infernus rhinobump2highroof - Yea, cool I guess. 7/10
Rusch69 [3:48 - 3:54] nrg highbump2bridgeprecision - I lost this spot and you executed it really well. Well done. 9/10
Art [3:55 - 3:58] nrg ramp2shortledgegrind2precision - Uhm, right. 5/10
Afterlife [3:59 - 4:06] nrg houseramp2cluckinbell - That's pretty neat. I've seen this done with a stoppie on the roof to the grind, which I personally prefer over this. 7/10
Tracker [4:07 - 4:13] nrg backbump2precision - Awesome. This is the type of thing I like to see. 9/10
Ars [4:14 - 4:20] pizzaboy wallride2precision - Simple wallride with a Faggio. Looks decent. 7/10
Artifex [4:21 - 4:25] nrg doublebump2grind - Nothing special either. 6/10
Burn [4:26 - 4:35] nrg krail2grind2*180*2grind - Fucking amazing. I am pretty sure you did it from the other side with the ramp as well. The twist looked so damn good! 10/10
Bart [4:36 - 4:45] nrg doublebump2wallkick2signprecision - I don't know if that is old, but I like it a lot! 9/10
KiTz [4:46 - 4:58] nrg packer2bump2precision - That is definitely old. Seen it a few times, but I still like the look of the stunt. 8/10
Ktulu [4:59 - 5:20] cabbie longinvertedboost - Not too sure what those stunts are for because you don't land anything. But that might just be me. 6/10
ToTy [5:21 - 5:26] nrg bump2fourthfloor(parkinglot) - Pretty cool actually. 7/10
Rusch69 [5:27 - 5:44] nrg wallride2wheeliecombo2grind - I really wonder how you guys do those stylish wheelie spins. 8/10
Bart [5:45 - 5:50] infernus rhinobump2roof - Not sure what to say about this. It's nice I guess. 7/10
Sheikah16 [5:51 - 5:56] freeway packer2ramp2grind - Freeway grinds always look nice. 8/10
Art [5:57 - 6:08] nrg backbump2ledgegrind - This is my stuff! I love these simple yet good looking stunts. 9/10
Diaz [6:09 - 6:19] fcr packer2bump2wallkick2roof - Kinda basic. 6/10
Gryzlek [6:20 - 6:28] nrg doublebump2krail2grind - Simple yet awesome! 8/10
Promagic [6:29 - 6:36] cabbie barrelroll2boost2chimney - Thisi s nice! 8/10
Artifex [6:37 - 6:46] ambulance wallride2roof - I love ambulance stunts. 8/10
alieNboy [6:47 - 6:53] nrg bump2wallkick2precision - Again, simple yet awesome. 8/10
Sheikah16 [6:54 - 6:59] sweeper drop2chimney - Ehh. 5/10
Rusch69 [7:00 - 7:10] cabbie boost2grind2stoponprecision - Really nice! 9/10
Bart [7:11 - 7:19] infernus ramp2dumperbump2roof2dropbump2highroof - I already mentioned that I lost this spot. But I tried it with a rhino and a dumper seems easier and it's still the same outcome. Awesome stunt! 10/10
Burn [7:20 - 7:30] nrg packer2doublebump2chimney - Fucking fire stunt! I have never seen this before and you always release fresh new stunts. This makes me wonder if you still got some replays laying around of some amazing stunts we have not yet seen. 10/10

Offline KiTz

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Re: Solid Ground 2
« Reply #52 on: August 03, 2016, 04:45:30 AM »
Full review of Solid Ground 2
by your name



PrzemOO [0:06 - 0:28] nrg packer2watergap2cliffclimb2grind - Cool idea, not too much a fan of it. 7/10
Artifex [0:29 - 0:32] nrg curb2ramp2signprec - That is old and it was done with a grind on the guard rail. Still cool though. 6/10
SkilZ [0:33 - 0:45] mtb stairsbhop2backwardstoppie2tecjump2bbgrind - That's pretty nice. The rotation in it really added to the stunt. 7/10
Promagic [0:46 - 0:54] nrg verticalbump2cork2shortledgegrind - I love vertical bumps, they bring so many more possibilities to the game. 8/10
Reynolds [0:55 - 1:11] pizzaboy ramp2ledgegrind - Not too sure what to think of this. It's a ramp to grind. This grind has been done so many times, even with cars and Freeways. So it was kind of disappointing for me. I still like the looks of the stunt. 7/10
Ars [1:15 - 1:24] infernus doublebump2roof - I had this spot too, but with NRG to the precision. This is decent  too. 7/10
Burn [1:25 - 1:29] nrg ramp2kisstherail2*360*2grind - This is the stuff I want to see. Stylish yet simple. 9/10
ToTy [1:30 - 1:36] nrg packer2bump2tree - Nothing too spectacular. I dislike tree lands in general. 6/10
NumeRo [1:37 - 1:42] nrg packer2bump2hangar - This is old I am sure. You had a cool rotation though. 7/10
Ktulu [1:43 - 1:50] infernus packer2bump2factory - This one might be old as well. But I've always been a fan of this type of stunts. 8/10
Kruth [1:51 - 2:01] nrg ramp2krail2grind - This is actually one of my favorite stunts in the video. Because it's simple yet it looks really good and it might just be new as well! 9/10
MqtH [2:02 - 2:11] nrg dropbump2grind - I had this same stunt for a while now and I gave up on it because I disliked it. 6/10
KiTz [2:12 - 2:20] nrg doublebump2precision - The runup makes me think you used a packer in it and that is what puts it off for me. 7/10
Diaz [2:21 - 2:30] nrg 3xramp2dropbump2wallride2grind2roof - Seen this stunt before and I think that was by you as well. I love combos so this is definite worth a 9/10
Promagic [2:31 - 2:39] nrg wallride2prec - I love these wallrides. They look so good! One of my favorite stunts in the video, for sure! 9/10
Burn [2:40 - 2:48] nrg smallbump2vrock(2ndpart) - I've only seen it from this side done with packers so this is a nice fresh add-on. Great job on landing it natural. 9/10
SkilZ [2:49 - 3:00] cabbie boost2ledgebump2satelliteprecision - Pretty cool Cabbie boost to a precision. 8/10
Erney [3:01 - 3:17] nrg wallkick2backwardstoppie2ledgegrind - Cool idea. Shame for the execution. I personally don't reland stunts for the execution either though, so I guess I can't complain. 8/10
Art [3:18 - 3:27] nrg ramp2krail2ledgegrind2anotherone[/url] - I have seen this one before as well. But I like the spot a lot. 8/10
Tracker [3:27 - 3:35] nrg 2xbump2"X"precision - Nice runup and a nice precision. The runup is what made it a lot better. 8/10
Rusch69 [3:36 - 3:45] infernus rhinobump2highroof - Yea, cool I guess. 7/10
Rusch69 [3:48 - 3:54] nrg highbump2bridgeprecision - I lost this spot and you executed it really well. Well done. 9/10
Art [3:55 - 3:58] nrg ramp2shortledgegrind2precision - Uhm, right. 5/10
Afterlife [3:59 - 4:06] nrg houseramp2cluckinbell - That's pretty neat. I've seen this done with a stoppie on the roof to the grind, which I personally prefer over this. 7/10
Tracker [4:07 - 4:13] nrg backbump2precision - Awesome. This is the type of thing I like to see. 9/10
Ars [4:14 - 4:20] pizzaboy wallride2precision - Simple wallride with a Faggio. Looks decent. 7/10
Artifex [4:21 - 4:25] nrg doublebump2grind - Nothing special either. 6/10
Burn [4:26 - 4:35] nrg krail2grind2*180*2grind - Fucking amazing. I am pretty sure you did it from the other side with the ramp as well. The twist looked so damn good! 10/10
Bart [4:36 - 4:45] nrg doublebump2wallkick2signprecision - I don't know if that is old, but I like it a lot! 9/10
KiTz [4:46 - 4:58] nrg packer2bump2precision - That is definitely old. Seen it a few times, but I still like the look of the stunt. 8/10
Ktulu [4:59 - 5:20] cabbie longinvertedboost - Not too sure what those stunts are for because you don't land anything. But that might just be me. 6/10
ToTy [5:21 - 5:26] nrg bump2fourthfloor(parkinglot) - Pretty cool actually. 7/10
Rusch69 [5:27 - 5:44] nrg wallride2wheeliecombo2grind - I really wonder how you guys do those stylish wheelie spins. 8/10
Bart [5:45 - 5:50] infernus rhinobump2roof - Not sure what to say about this. It's nice I guess. 7/10
Sheikah16 [5:51 - 5:56] freeway packer2ramp2grind - Freeway grinds always look nice. 8/10
Art [5:57 - 6:08] nrg backbump2ledgegrind - This is my stuff! I love these simple yet good looking stunts. 9/10
Diaz [6:09 - 6:19] fcr packer2bump2wallkick2roof - Kinda basic. 6/10
Gryzlek [6:20 - 6:28] nrg doublebump2krail2grind - Simple yet awesome! 8/10
Promagic [6:29 - 6:36] cabbie barrelroll2boost2chimney - Thisi s nice! 8/10
Artifex [6:37 - 6:46] ambulance wallride2roof - I love ambulance stunts. 8/10
alieNboy [6:47 - 6:53] nrg bump2wallkick2precision - Again, simple yet awesome. 8/10
Sheikah16 [6:54 - 6:59] sweeper drop2chimney - Ehh. 5/10
Rusch69 [7:00 - 7:10] cabbie boost2grind2stoponprecision - Really nice! 9/10
Bart [7:11 - 7:19] infernus ramp2dumperbump2roof2dropbump2highroof - I already mentioned that I lost this spot. But I tried it with a rhino and a dumper seems easier and it's still the same outcome. Awesome stunt! 10/10
Burn [7:20 - 7:30] nrg packer2doublebump2chimney - Fucking fire stunt! I have never seen this before and you always release fresh new stunts. This makes me wonder if you still got some replays laying around of some amazing stunts we have not yet seen. 10/10

Your opinions are fully respectable but I would love to see you landing some of this. :D

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Re: Solid Ground 2
« Reply #53 on: August 03, 2016, 11:00:39 AM »
I'm hyped for rh4

Offline Mewka

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Re: Solid Ground 2
« Reply #54 on: August 18, 2016, 09:02:12 AM »
sick vid guys

Offline JustAdam

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Re: Solid Ground 2
« Reply #55 on: August 18, 2016, 10:51:47 AM »
Bart, Rush69, Promagic, Any & Some of Burn's tricks were outstanding! Also not bad Artifex, Toty & Ars. Ktulu's boost could be hard. I don't rly like boosts, but I respect effort, nice infy stunt btw. I kinda loled at Diaz stunt, the pression must be so high, but it's done properly. I don't have a time for full reviews. Quite decent for all. Only a few lame stunts that dosn't matter in overall. Good edit.  :ajaja: Peace out.

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Re: Solid Ground 2
« Reply #56 on: August 18, 2016, 01:19:09 PM »
Fuck yeah, Never Catch Me and Frank's Track. Awesome soundtracks as usual!

I'll write a full review later, it was amazing.

In Solid Ground 3 I'm expecting the Based God  :euro:

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Re: Solid Ground 2
« Reply #57 on: October 10, 2016, 05:23:31 PM »
Solid vid.

Joke aside, I think it would have been better if about 1/3 of the really mediocre stunts were cut off. Got really hyped up when I saw Burn closing in for the kill on that finisher, but... almost. The second song was annoying. The vocalist sounded like he was taking a shit  :|

Offline Muhammad Farrukh

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Re: Solid Ground 2
« Reply #58 on: October 11, 2016, 06:11:36 AM »
LOL ,,,, Video is private :L

Offline Artifex

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Re: Solid Ground 2
« Reply #59 on: October 12, 2016, 02:07:57 PM »
Fuck yeah, Never Catch Me and Frank's Track. Awesome soundtracks as usual!

I'll write a full review later, it was amazing.

In Solid Ground 3 I'm expecting the Based God  :euro:

Solid Ground 3 soon ™


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