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Had a little look into the handling files since OpenIV 2.5 was released, confirmed all my findings regarding the PS4/XO versions from the heists topic (handling is exactly the same as PS4/XO). Found some more changes as well. I'll post these up when I've got the time.UPDATE: The only difference I haven't been able to account for is the Sanchez. It's got exactly the same handling file as it does on X360/PS3, but it's clearly much faster on PS4/XO/PC. Perhaps one of the Sanchez vehicle modifications on X360/PS3 isn't applying correctly? I need to test whether or not the stock version of the Sanchez displays any differences between X360/PS3 and PS4/XO/PC.UPDATE 2: Yup, my findings on PS4/XO were correct (professional testing skills ftw ). However, I've discovered that the Burger Shot Stallion, Pißwasser Dominator, Redwood Gauntlet and Sprunk Buffalo are all faster than the original versions. I've also confirmed that the Cheval Marshall and the Vapid Liberator share exactly the same handling line, so there's really no reason to own the Liberator. More information coming when I'm ready to post it (and believe me, there's more ). Not for a while though, I'm busy with something.UPDATE 3: New update (17th April) didn't change handling files or physics.UPDATE 4: New update (21st April) didn't change handling files or physics.UPDATE 5: See first post for information on future updates.
Sorry for the double post, but I compiled a list of the handling changes between X360/PS3 and PS4/XO/PC (this does not include general physics changes, like car gliding being removed).https://www.diffchecker.com/jl6x6yhbLeft side is X360/PS3, right side is PS4/XO/PC.
I'm going to stop apologising for multiple posts upon minor updates . A new update for GTA V on PC has been released. I've checked the handling files, and I've also checked game physics - nothing has changed. Move along .Now, I'll update the first post when I actually have the time to thoroughly test the PC version, but having invested significant time with it, I'm 99% sure that it's exactly the same as PS4/XO for stunting. The only differences come in the way of keyboard controls and unlimited frames per second.You can steer left/right while wheelying with a keyboard. This is barely possible while using a gamepad, unless you combine analogue stick wheelies with motion control steering (PS4 only).High frame rates slightly changes bicycle handling on PC. The wallclimb glitch is much stronger with high frame rates than it is with 30fps on all platforms (including PC), given the higher amount of bunnyhops per second (much like cabbie boosting in SA). Additionally, successive forwards bunnyhops are slightly more difficult (you have to lean forwards less upon landing for multiple bunnyhops), while backwards bunnyhops are slightly easier (higher speed per backwards bunnyhop).The Rockstar Editor is very good, but it probably needs its own topic, so I won't be covering it here. Hopefully this helps people out until I've got time to exhaustively test everything on PC .
lol yeah it's a shit HP and i know it's going to run like shit. i'm just lying to myself as long as i can.i'll have 1,000-1,500 USD to spend in the coming weeks to get something decent. i've been eyeing a number of builds on here http://pcpartpicker.com/guide/you know much about PC's keg and which of those might be my best option?
i live in alaska so computer shopping for parts is out of the question unless it's on the internet.someone at /r/buildapc put this together for me http://pcpartpicker.com/p/hMgJHx i think i might be able to order it this weekend.i'm really a noob, i just want to play GTA at high settings and use the editor.
Derailing Avoid part picking sites & pre-built systems. Always build it yourself from scratch for best bang for the buck. AMD are about to come around the corner with their new GPU lineup, so forget about the 200 series already. I was able to pick up Asus' OC'd R9 290 DirectCU II for ~ 180 € with 3 years warranty last year. It usually sells for ~ 280 € in GER. After a weekend I sent it back due to 2 retarded bugs (could only run 59 Hz without artifacts; VRAM was always @ max clock in multi monitor mode = raised temps). It also reached 90°C + in a well ventilated CoolerMaster HAF 912 Plus at load, so Crossfire might be a bad idea with those. I then went with Gigabyte's GTX 970 G1 and OC'd it (1470/7600 @ stock voltage) almost to the reference GTX 980 performance. The 3,5 GB VRAM issue doesn't bother me (yet), since I'm still just running Full HD. Downsampling from 4K or WQHD will do for recordings.BIGpoppa you should be just fine with an i7 870 and a GTX 970.--------------------------I probably can provide some workload/performance/benchmark stuff tomorrow midday. Hopefully the GTA IV disaster won't repeat.The editor mode looks very promising from what I seen. I think I read earlier that "replays" will have a maximum length of just 30 seconds, but don't quote me on that. We'll see tonight/tomorrow.
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