Wow, just Wow! This is last and first WH video that I can say is full clean without any doubts. Amazing.
So many variety of stunts, fuckin' awesome editing, anothter Wow!
That would be the first full review by me under your video.
Editing: First I was like "Hmm, who is the editor?" - I hope it was Daffy, but this song don't fit to his style, so probably someone else took this job. Finally I ended up in the credits and what I can see? Classic Outro by Daffy - men, that was really good to see you in action again. Altought I didn't like the song too much, I really enjoyed the editing. Well done.
0:13 - 0:57 Smut: Holy shit, that was a goddamn long grind. I saw it was done in SA couple of times, but I think no1 grinded it till the end.
0:58 - 1:09 TrYp: Oh man, I never was think about that, great find.
1:10 - 1:16 MaCi: I always love to see ledge grinds and I can say that was really good drop2grind. GJ!
1:17 - 1:30 OCZ: I think that SanaZ did it in United, but in VC that looks a lot of better, sweet p2b2wallride!
1:31 - 1:40 Daffy: I was corious if I'll see you in last video, and here you are/ Awesome wallkick2bbledge.
1:41 - 1:48 Nem: Rember that stunt, it supposed to be in Sanctimonium as guest stunt. Nice double bump.
1:49 - 2:02 Daffy: Kickass combo. I always wondered how to use these roofs but couldn't fancy anything right there.
2:03 - 2:11 Brainkiller: Great freeway ibsm.
2:12 - 2:20 TrYp: Wonderful p2bwallkick.
2:21 - 2:27 Demon: Nice car stunt.
2:28 - 2:40 Ltab: excellent!
2:41 - 2:48 PtRvY: Aw, PtRvY. Coolio one. Your skin fits every engine
2:49 - 3:06 Demon: Heh, I wanted to do that in SA, but I wasn't lucky enough. Cool to see it in Vice City.
3:07 - 3:12 Stevex: Overwhored roof, but really good execution.
3:13 - 3:19 Ltab: Finally someone who landed the top. Cool stunt.
3:20 - 3:25 Demon: Nice find.
3:26 - 3:35 Demon: I love double grind, expectly by freeways, that was amazing one.
3:36 - 3:48 Davve: Great to see that stunt landed, I tried it a few times, but gave up really quick. Well done.
3:51 - 4:04 Luky: Fucking awesome. Luky always impress me.
4:05 - 4:11 TrYp: Not bad PSM.
4:12 - 4:24 Eddeman: Frost showed me that stunt. I spen hours to land it without result. Props for land that.
4:25 - 4:42 OCZ: Didn't expect grind there, I though you will land that car showroom like Albeast did. Like it.
4:43 - 4:51 burn: Classic psm by Burn. Not bad one
4:52 - 5:05 Daffy: Another fresh and cool wallkick, cool.
5:06 - 5:11 TrYp: First I was thought that you've used bsm, but I figure out it was nat stunt. Fine stunt.
5:12 - 5:18 OCZ: Huge csm.
5:19 - 5:24 TrYp: Someone modded it in SA, in VC looks fine.
5:25 - 5:32 Demon: Another stunt which Forst showed to me. Pain in the ass to land. Great.
5:40 - 5:47 Daffy: Your stunts always deserve to be at the end. Great nat stunt.
Amazing end of your carrier.