This doesn't happen to block the usage of the mouse's "extra" buttons (typically those on the the side for exmple)?
Can't seem to use them or activate them since a couple of days ago which happen to be when a started using this file.
Dunno if it's related to this but now I can't RAD and turn at the same time, like I can only have 3 keys pressed at once.
Back to mashing the ESC key.
I've never had any trouble with this. I'm stunting on SA and VC normally using the file, but I think that I have a solution to you:
Go to regedit, find the key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services/Kbdclass/Parameters; find the value "KeyboardDataQueueSize", put it as decimal, change the value
to 200 and press ok. Now you can press to 7 keys at the same time. It should solve your problem