I'm new to the stunting community I am a editor (inactive at the moment) I used to edit cod4 but now I'm starting again. Here is a link to my channel:
https://m.youtube.com/user/Intahdex this channel is where I will be posting my stunt montages and hopefully my stunt edits (because the community needs creative editing) so I will be doing one clip edits (OCE's) to stunts, but also uploading montages. Like I said I'm literally brand new to the whole stunting thing but I have been practicing lately and trying to get better. I still have questions about it all, but I will post them somewhere else. Anyways, about me: I'm 16 years old (I know I'm "young" lol but I'm not an annoying squeaker haha) I'm from Denver Colorado (no I don't smoke weed) and I'm a noob to stunting. I hope to upload some content soon, as I ordered my elgato a few days ago. And I'm hoping to meet lots of cool and chill people while stunting. I'm on ps3, my GT is:
Its-Manticore so add me if you think you could teach me something.
anyways, glad to be here!