Who do you find to be the most inspiring stunter in the community (other than yourself)?
How do you define someone being "The Best"?
For how long have you been in the stunting scene?
Do you still use the masked man in a jacket skin?
What are your thoughts after watching "Killing 3 Intro" by Rusch69?
Favorite food and drinks?
Who do you find to be the funniest in GTAS?
What are your present thoughts to DV now?
How do you think DV would've been if it was still alive till now?
Favorite editor?
Do you have any videos in which you believe gave an impact to your career?
Thoughts on each of these crews: WH, SSU, DSS, TMS.
Have you been into VC lately? If not, have you before?
How did you gain your reputation master best?
Would you love to see the SMBU trilogy to continue?
Do you believe you're better at landing stunts now or before (around 2008 to now)?
Your thoughts on the community (rate from 1-100)?
Above all national communities, which do you believe to be the best in SA from their community videos (German, Polish, etc )?
How many awards have you had? And if yes, what were they and which year?
Will you marry me?