Stuck methods aren't really used no more, simply cuz they don't look good in SA and often screw other spots. iBSMs/CSMs aren't really hard, can be set up everywhere and possibly lame better looking natural stuff nearby. They're only good if it is the very only way to get up somewhere. [SSU]Restart's and Airplay's finisher are good examples for that, but landing stuff like the top of crane near the LS airport is just ... not the way to go. It is high, hard to reach and everything, but the P2B and natural bump to it are simply waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better. The very worst stuck thing in SA is possibly PSM, please never do that.
Regular BSMs can be quite cool actually. Same goes for BBMs, but nobody can be arsed to fuck around with that stuff no more. Packer strut bumps also died out, but can also turn out in a good way if combined with something additionally.
A collab with so many god damn stuck methods would look like a VC video by [DSS] maybe. Sorry for mentioning in this relation, but they seem to be the parade example. Some VC guys at least were not amused seeing their spots landed from stuckies a few feet apart from their better looking ways.