I don't understand anything so I have doubts.
It is R$1200Description of the product:Motherboard: ASUS M5A78L-M LX BR
(Chipset Video Geforce 7025 256MB / Memory: DDR3 1066/1333/1600 O.C)
Video: GEFORCE 7025 256MB / Web / Sound (on board)
( Chipset GF 7025 256Mb GDDR2 Onboard - Nvidia Nforce 630A)
Processor: AMD FX-6100 3.3Ghz
(It is better than PHENOM 2 X6 1090t 3.2GHz right?)
Ram: 8 GB of Memory DDR3 1333hz PC 10600
( 2 Modules of 4GB DDR3 1333 Mhz Pc 10600 )
Hard Disk: 1000GB SATA
Power Supply: ATX 500W nominal
(220 real power MAYBE I'LL BUY A 500W REAL POWER SUPPLY)
I'll use buy a 9500GT or GTS450 to use in this computer, the price of the computer is low and it is pretty good for me, i just want to play GTA SA, BF: Bad Company 2/Vietnam and APB: Reloadedthe site is reliable, 80 people already bought the computer and gave a score of 10 for the seller.Questions:1- can I run all then sweetly right?
2- this computer is pretty good for this price, yeah? In dolar it will cost R$560
Processor: AMD FX-6100 3.3Ghz
(It is better than PHENOM 2 X6 1090t 3.2GHz ?)