I was just going to make a thread about the game. I feel a little bit annoyed after you know, getting it in the non-nice way, because it just blew my mind. I never played any other Bioshocks before, but this.. I almost cried at the end because I had really no idea what was going on, but I was like "hey, no, don't do this to me, Elizabeth you are so fucking nice and shit". I still have no idea what that was on the end tho. anyway, the acting was flawless if you ask me, I loved it all. Elizabeth is by far my favourite female character ever in a game, she's so cute and all curious in the beginning. loved that game. finished it on hard on the first playthrough, and it was indeed pretty hard. I think I will buy this if there will be a discount on the gaming event I am going next Saturday. also yeah, the graphics are kickass, I played it on ultra-high settings and had no problems at all. quite the flawless game there, and so far game of the year. the only thing that may change this is Watch Dogs. anyway, people, if you are searching for a game worth spending at least 8 hours on it (I think it took me 10 hours to finish the game), try this out. it's worth every fucking moment.