Hey guys!I know I've been out for a while now but I really missed you so I want to come rejoin.
Let's say I missed out on the stunting career because I became obsessed with the idea of editing and my crew, White Label, but problems rolled in and I had to leave the community.
Anyways, back to business.
I would like you to make me a NRG-500 bassed on this photo (as the center piece for the body).
I only have
4 requests for the rest of the bike:
1) Make the brakes a darker shade of gray or plain black;
2) Make the tires have white outlines (at the point where they meet up with the rims);
3) Use only black, white and gray and make the graffiti stand out from the rest of the body;
4) Remove that "THE WINNER IS" text from the piece.The rest is up to you, make everything
flow by the way.
That's it guys. Hope you'll be quick and awesome as I remembered you were.
Have a nice day fellow stunters, modders and editors!