Can anybody explain to me why people always ban the exact same champs in low elo?
Amumu and Shen are pretty obvious, while I don't understand why Blitz, Malphite and Darius get always banned too. Malphites ulti is not any better than Ori's or Sona's for example and Blitz & Darius are easily countered.
People in low elo dont ban by using brain, but what "is common and FUCKIN OP".
Anyway, Darius is a useless ban for his easy counter. Blitz is banned because he can win games if properly played, even if you dodge 20 hooks a good blitz will sooner or later hook someone and win a TF. Orianna ult is not that good because she needs to plant her ball first and it lasts less time and Sona needs to go meelee range. Malphite is banned because his ult is again devastating in soloQ, where people will barely counter it without any proper communication and because its so easy to cast on a pretty big range. And it immobilizes for 1.5s.
In "higher" elo, where im currently, people ban more often Evelynn (for roaming OP), Kha'Zix (op mid) or Elise (now that is just broken), eventually Pantheon or Lee Sin. Obvious reasons are super strong early game, dominance on a solo lane or roaming potential.
But in low elo its pointless to even ban anything because noone can play the champs properly