They totally didn't deserve it, fuck football, lets play hockey D:
You remind me of Jay with the "fuck football yay hockey" thing

Anyway, that was a great game, Chelsea again did a great comeback when it was almost lost and Drogba scored. Chelsea's goalkeeper (Chech, Cech ??) is a fucking monster, he saved Chelsea against Barcelona and now got Robbens penalty that would probably have ended the decision there.
It's true that Bayern played more in the attack in the last games, but that's football you know, it's the final score that matters. I don't agree with the "don't deserve" thing, they used the most possible tatic to beat Barcelona in the Semis and now in the Final they had an opponent with great attack players (Robben, Ribery, Lahm etc...), playing in their stadium. They had to defend themselves more against all that pressure.