These episodes are a touch out-dated...but Zaha doesn't last long. He never really gelled that well into my team. Miller, Twigg and Woods are an amazing combination together. Sold Zaha for a bit of a profit, and I'm keeping it all-Scottish for the bronze side. I just don't have it in me to be a pace-abusing son of a bitch
BTW - goal stats for Twigg, Miller and Woods for me so far:
Miller: Played 43, scored 53
Woods: Played 45, scored 46
Twigg: Played 41, scored 42
There are some great episodes to come, where I experiment with a few ideas which don't really seem to come off, but it's all trial and error. There's also one of the most amazing matches I've ever played - but that won't be uploaded until some time next week.