Author Topic: Shifftee Mods!  (Read 5074 times)

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Re: Shifftee Mods!
« Reply #15 on: April 10, 2012, 02:31:43 PM »
Am I the only one who thinks Daffy is the Sheldon Cooper of GTAS? :lol:
« Last Edit: April 10, 2012, 02:34:18 PM by Christian »

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Re: Shifftee Mods!
« Reply #16 on: April 10, 2012, 02:40:47 PM »
it could be finisher in wh why did you show it?
If the joke was original and/or actually somewhat good which it is not, it's just regurgitation of a joke someone else did ages ago that people has repeated too many times for it to even resemble an amusing joke to the point where it resembles a dead under-age hooker who's been fist-fucked, hit with sticks, baseball bats, skateboards and hacksaws while being run over with vehicles meant for laying tarmac during an uncomfortably moist summer day in the eye of a heat wave.
Not just that but the fact that Shifftee is in no way related to WH whatsoever, yet you still try to make a connection that at best vaguely related to ex-members of the crew which means you could have used many different crews as an example but no you went for the cheap joke.
For that I want you to die by the hands of schizophrenic midgets who kills you by cutting you from the gaps between your toes and up after they've burnt of your eyelids with a welding apparatus in a house of mirrors so you're forced to watch and listen to your echoing screams of agony, go fuck yourself you un-funny little shit.
That sure was a kinda cheap and unneeded joke, but you should have better let go. Telling someone to die is not the kind of behaviour people really wanna see in the forum, well basically anywhere. You have had some bad parts in your WH history like with Boxxx in Omicron... but who gives a stick anyway? :P
WH is pretty great by now and with Arcane you showed a really great start and I can't wait to see what you got in your VC videos. So better to stay quiet and ignore, it's the best way believe me. ;)

Shifftee by the way you're banned... from staying so much time without coming to chat. :ninja:

Offline puzzLe

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Re: Shifftee Mods!
« Reply #17 on: April 10, 2012, 02:41:24 PM »

I think the appropriate word here would be 'slaughtered'.

Daffy, you can write even essay to justify wh's modded ass but everyone will laugh because its true what i wrote.

The fuck's your problem dude, Polish little hypocrite queer. At least he has the ability to write an essay with some proper English, while you still stumble over a couple of English words in the shortest sentences. Get the fuck out.

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Re: Shifftee Mods!
« Reply #18 on: April 10, 2012, 02:45:35 PM »
We'll see about that now, won't we...
And fuck you and everyone else who's so fucking illiterate you gotta use a pop-culture picture/drawing that has been posted thousands of times around the internet to compensate for your inability to actually use some intellect and creativity to make the case the picture represents.
I know the intention of it is to irritate but it misses with such a fucked up bent up angle that all it does is discourage me from answering you since you're nothing but a copy-pasting primitive drone when you perpetuate such lack of an unique personality which I'm sure you brag and shove down everyones throat spiced with a little arrogance and flavored with a pinch of self-righteous douche-bagery.

what crawled up your ass and died?
no, seriously, why did you get worked up over such a trivial thing?
this is a legit question, and i really want to know why this pissed you off so much...
all i get out of it is he shared some random modded stunt he did years ago, and someone said in a (what i assume to be) humourously sarcastic way that it could be in a video. is there some backstory to this im missing?

Offline Genyus

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Re: Shifftee Mods!
« Reply #19 on: April 10, 2012, 02:47:59 PM »
The fact is it wasn't really meant to be sarcastic, more like provocative and annoying.

Props to Daffy on this one, made my evening.

Offline Moonlight

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Re: Shifftee Mods!
« Reply #20 on: April 10, 2012, 02:50:30 PM »
where is the like button

Offline TurBo

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Re: Shifftee Mods!
« Reply #21 on: April 10, 2012, 02:51:39 PM »
Idiotic joke by Ozibe that comes to only try to get some people mad at him and provoke for no reason while infact nowadays WH seems pretty much clean all in all, but way overreacted, I'd expect ignoring these kind of pathetic attempts or atleast like sarcastically dismiss.. but meh. This whole thing is a joke anyways so I find it pretty funny that there are such debates even in these topics.

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Re: Shifftee Mods!
« Reply #22 on: April 10, 2012, 02:57:57 PM »
rot in this box called stunting and lick daffy's ass. I cant watch this situation any more see ya guys.

One more thing. Fuck you puzzle.

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Re: Shifftee Mods!
« Reply #23 on: April 10, 2012, 03:08:17 PM »
Yeah well fuck you too, good going on pussying out on this one.

Offline Neotec

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Re: Shifftee Mods!
« Reply #24 on: April 10, 2012, 03:36:48 PM »

If the joke was original and/or actually somewhat good which it is not, it's just regurgitation of a joke someone else did ages ago that people has repeated too many times for it to even resemble an amusing joke to the point where it resembles a dead under-age hooker who's been fist-fucked, hit with sticks, baseball bats, skateboards and hacksaws while being run over with vehicles meant for laying tarmac during an uncomfortably moist summer day in the eye of a heat wave.
Not just that but the fact that Shifftee is in no way related to WH whatsoever, yet you still try to make a connection that at best vaguely related to ex-members of the crew which means you could have used many different crews as an example but no you went for the cheap joke.
For that I want you to die by the hands of schizophrenic midgets who kills you by cutting you from the gaps between your toes and up after they've burnt of your eyelids with a welding apparatus in a house of mirrors so you're forced to watch and listen to your echoing screams of agony, go fuck yourself you un-funny little shit.

Offline PtRvY

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Re: Shifftee Mods!
« Reply #25 on: April 10, 2012, 03:52:20 PM »
what crawled up your ass and died?
no, seriously, why did you get worked up over such a trivial thing?
this is a legit question, and i really want to know why this pissed you off so much...
all i get out of it is he shared some random modded stunt he did years ago, and someone said in a (what i assume to be) humourously sarcastic way that it could be in a video. is there some backstory to this im missing?

There is no backstory. It's just generally the way some people on this forum have been treating WH since... well, 2008. Maybe even earlier, I have no idea, I wasn't around.

Well, what can I say. WH did have modders in the past, that I won't deny - and that's something that will always give people the reason to try and provoke. Jonas, you overreacted a little bit on this one, but I still, from a creative literacy viewpoint, really enjoyed the way you delivered it all in a calmingly (and disturbingly, if I might add) elaborate way. Also I totally agree that people should find more original ways of responding rather than copying regurgitated responses over and over again.

Anyways, it's not that what he wrote wasn't just another provocation, that it definitely was, I'm just saying that restraining yourself in public sections is some kind of a responsibility you have as one of the administrators here. You know, setting an example, and all that shit.

That being said, I hope Shifftee doesn't mind if this topic gets locked, it has derailed far too much to get the focus back on the stunt posted here (it was a well edited video and the stunt looked sexy for a modded one  :lol: ). If you want me to reopen it, send me a PM.

Peace out.

« Last Edit: April 10, 2012, 03:56:04 PM by PtRvY »

Offline Daffy

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Re: Shifftee Mods!
« Reply #26 on: April 11, 2012, 11:08:20 AM »
what crawled up your ass and died?
no, seriously, why did you get worked up over such a trivial thing?
this is a legit question, and i really want to know why this pissed you off so much...
all i get out of it is he shared some random modded stunt he did years ago, and someone said in a (what i assume to be) humourously sarcastic way that it could be in a video. is there some backstory to this im missing?
Here's one of the perks with admin privileges; being able to answer though the topic is locked with the additional pitiful amusement of knowing the 99% of you (that's right, I made a silly Occupy Wall Street reference) cannot.
It's childish, primitive and the smartest 1% of the 99% could probably argue that it's borderline power-abuse, and please do, I encourage so for further amusement to my ears (well eyes to be rigidly precise).
To clarify before I continue, though I'm quiting kingalmighty-something: when I write you, that is directed towards the people that I initially 'argued with', I've chosen to write it that way since it's better suited for the direct nature of this post... ok moving on.
The main purpose of my posts in this thread was to show an example of what I consider (and indeed it's a matter of taste) to be original, creative and most importantly entertaining humor.
If you somehow have such as twisted view of reality that you think I actually care a teeny tiny bit about what meaningless individual's (to me they are) pathetic attempt at writing an original joke on the expense of the crew I'm in and that it bothers me, then you're so far off target that the whatever bullseye there actually was, is most likely pointing and laugh at you, not with you to make that crystal clear.
It's a joke so old that it makes the natural bump coming from the grass to the Vice City stadium seem brand spanking new and the holy grail of natural bumps in comparison.
Trust me when I say I have grown thicker skin over the few years the joke has been used and I'm also aware that if I had not commented the majority... or should I say the 99% would not have cared one single bit about your "witty" remark.
No, what did bother me was the horrible attempt at being funny which inspired me to write a reply to you using what I consider (again a matter of taste) original humor thanks to the aid of actual creativity.
To even think that your ill-informed nonsense opinion is so important to me that I would get upset enough to actually wish those things upon you for a sad attempt at satire is beyond me and if it actually were so I should be considered mentally unstable for anything but a straight-jacket in a white room with soft walls.
That said I did also defend WH, but not from you, I defended it from me with the light of attention I was shining upon your posts that otherwise would not have been there which seems least from my point of view to be what I can safely consider a successful effort... not that it required a lot of it, effort that is since filling in the blanks or reading between the lines is obviously not part of your 'software'.
I guess the bottom line is that a vivid way of writing a satirical response that is creative and original (I know you're probably sick of those two words by now) is not recognized by the 99% either of the supportive nor opposing side so I shall simply return to the primitive humor that does work; it could be finisher in dss why did you show it?


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