Actually not, most of us (editors) download the HD roads by Neo ( for VC and for LC) and I've seen that some of us use also Realistic sky mod from AllBeast or Neo (Neo's one I couldn't find AB's one) and use also Chrismas palms or something, I've downloaded mine from google ( this one it's the most common I've seen, in a pretty much vids, and here's another one, it's much shittier tho but I think that Silw used these in Odyssey
And about particles I'd assume you mean particles like the newspapper arround the ground, leaves, sea colour, blood type, etc etc. If you mean particle by sparks, that's made with a tool by Reynolds (the old fathers like me did them without this
) here is the link I actually didn't understood crap of how to make them without exit the game, so I recommend you to make it with a closed game.
I hope this helps to you