SSU Haze - full Review as promised by:
Intro:I think the intro was pretty cool, decent voice acting but a fun story and good to see something with a scripted intro again. Liked how you used this whole haze thing throughout the video (like with the second part intro). Also liked how the Haze text actually got more visible to read when the screen got more hazy, if you get what I mean.
Main part 1:PrzemOO (2:31-2:42) Great way to break the ice, really sick looking stunt and I love tight gaps.
Requiem (2:43-2:49) Neat stuff for a quad, nothing major though
Artifex (2:50-2:59) I just love watergaps, nice to see this done with a Turismo as well.
Rusch69 (2:59-3:10) First in NRG, now in infernus huh?
I really liked how it felt like you weren't gonna reach it until you flipped the car and bonked.
Cookie (3:11-3:19) Nice find, I liked how the road kind of helped you bump there. Flawless execution as well.
Sheikah (3:20-3:26) Looks okay, you don't see a lot of pizzaboy stuff so that was nice. Too bad you couldn't stick your front wheel up on that little part as well.
MtS (3:26-3:35) Nice double bump to precision, another flawless execution, looks really good.
Requiem (3:35-3:47) Weird angle and not exactly the place I'd expected you to land, but that makes it even better. Cool stuff.
Rusch69 (3:47-3:58) Ha, so you managed to get this one finally, I remember you showing this ages back. Couldn't have done it any better way, just perfect.
Plani (3:58-4:05) This is the stuff I like, looks sexy.
Nauthiluz (4:07-4:20) Yes! Awesome MTB stuff! This is the stuff I like even more, keep hopping and twisting
FLeX (4:20-4:27) This one really surprised me, how the heck did you figure that one out? Seriously good looking stunt.
Jeff (4:27-4:33) The good stuff just keeps on coming, yet another amazing stunt. Wonder how nobody thought of this before, so good looking.
PrzemOO (4:34-4:43) I have a weird feeling I saw this somewhere before, but like I said I love MTB hopping combos and this is one so who cares.
Rusch69 (4:43-4:51) This stunt blew me away personally, great find, great thought, great execution. One of the best stunts in this video.
Jeff (4:51-4:55) Pretty cool, nothing too special though.
Artifex (4:55-5:02) Yay boat stunt, nice find as they are kind of rare.
Kai (5:09-5:15) This one surprised me a lot, good thinking and landing that prec made it sooo much better.
PrzemOO (5:15-5:19) Another lovely little tricky stunt, looks real technical and I like it a lot.
Franco (5:20-5:29) This one looks like so much fun to try, but I guess that was because you executed it to near perfection. Love the clean bump, spin and landing on the grind.
*TurBo (5:29-5:38) At first I was like
then I was like
then I was like
and in the end I was like :cheernuts:
PrzemOO (5:38-5:44) Nice p2b, didn't think you were gonna land the top so that was a pleasant surprise as well.
Ktulu (5:44-5:52) Looks really good for some reason, nice job landing that higher part.
PrzemOO (5:52-6:09) Haha I remember this from the SAMP days. Looks really good with that "wallride" up the hill, nice stuff.
Scene:Like I said at the intro part, really liked how this fitted to the rest of the story and how you cleared out the haze and such, that got me extra excited for what was about to come.
Main part 2:MtS (6:54-7:15) Good job finding another wallride there, looked really good with that high speed and it was nice to see you stop on the prec as well, just as expected.
Rusch69 (7:15-7:26) Nice NRG combo run, looks really sexy with all the bumps and jumps.
Ktulu & Nauthiluz (7:26-7:34) Nice little cabbie boost, big plus for landing the prec both of you, that is what makes the difference.
Requiem (7:34-7:45) Another great stunt and great execution, and once again with a cool tricky runup. Looks really stylish.
Kai (7:46-7:54) Pretty cool, looks though to stay on with a quad and that speed. Liked how there was train passing in the background as well (as if it was a little hint to your other stunt
PrzemOO (7:54-7:58) Really nice, at first I didn't know what to expect and then when you bumped that 2nd hill I instantly loved it. Looks so good.
Rusch69 (7:58-8:04) Nice backbump to prec, the spin made this stunt better as well.
Artifex (8:04-8:15) Now this is a cool cabbie boost, nice thinking and neat landing.
JustCaus3 (8:15-8:23) Looks pretty weird, yet pretty cool at the same time and of course +1 for MTB
Jeff (8:23-8:40) This got me saying "wtf" out loud haha. Such a weird little stunt, but the weirdness is what makes it so awesome.
Cookie (8:40-8:47) Pretty straight forward, but that isn't a bad thing, it just wasn't that special either. Looks like the angle is a bit annoying though and hard to stay on the prec so good job nonetheless.
Rusch69 (8:47-8:53) You crazy combo addict, nice little stunt.
Plani (8:53-9:06) Looks a bit sloppy but at the same time it looks good as well and you never know what to expect when it comes to you.
Cookie (9:06-9:19) When I saw the beginning of this stunt I was like: huh what the heck is left here to do? But then when I saw the entire stunt I was dumbfounded, so obvious yet so not obvious. Good execution too.
Jeff (9:19-9:39) I'm not the biggest fan of just driving a car onto some sort of grind, but I gotta give it up for you holding it straight all the way till the end, that was sick.
Franco (9:39-9:49) When you were in mid-air I thought to myself you probably have to make a stoppie if this stunt wants to end up being something, I just see how you could pull it off. But then the stunt progresses and all I can say is, sick. Just perfect with the spin into the stoppie. Real quality job.
PrzemOO (9:49-9:58) Another good looking infernus double bump, I like how the entire stunt looks.
Ktulu (9:58-10:03) The surprise element is gone on this one and even though that isn't your fault it just makes it a lot less impressive than it really is. Still good job though and it still looks good.
Rusch69 (10:03-10:12) Haha, good find. Nice with the ramps and such and finished off with a prec as it should be done.
*PrzemOO (10:12-10:20) Had a feeling this one is old as well, though again that could be me (I had this spot in mind before). And even if it's old it's still landed really good, would've been better with a krail though (if possible?)
Requiem (10:21-10:27) Great find, I love seeing this thing landed it this one looks just like how I want to see them.
Nauthiluz (10:28-10:48) All I want to know is; where do you people find the patience to try stuff like this? This is near insanity o_O
Outro:Nice little outro, hurray for drum and bass.
Editing:The editing was really good, the overall look of the video gave me this feeling you get when watching certain San Andreas videos that you know when you are watching them they will be an instant classic. Top job on the editing, couldn't have done it any better.
Overall:You guys absolutely killed it, when watching it for the second time I noticed something. Nearly every stunt is landed at an area that is pretty much raped to death and yet somehow you people find the most crazy weird stuff and make it feel like those areas are entirely new areas. A lot of out-of-the-box stunts in here combined with your basic everyday stunting, perfect executions (seriously, all of you) and classic editing made this video near absolute perfection. I think you all deserve to be proud of what you created here.