**shivers** i really don't think templates and dreamweaver make a good mix. I believe that if you really want a good site that's easy to manage and change, you have to get right into the code.
I'm doing a similar project for R3con which hasn't taken much time. Basically what I do with the template is first fix the cracks in it (so that it's stretchable) , then install a PHP content management system, which is the same one as I use for the GTAStunting website. Basically once I'm done, you can edit any page with code (or dreamweaver if you prefer) by just editing a small document and not having to work around the layout.
If you'd like i could probably set something like this up for you. All i ask in return for my services (which normally take around 3-4 hours for this kind of project) is the placement of my ad on the website, the Full Software Downloads one.
- - - Andyroososoft