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Topic: ATS - The Final Cut (Read 53698 times)
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Re: ATS - The Final Cut
Reply #45 on:
July 09, 2011, 01:29:08 AM »
GTAS Legends forever! Best VC vid of the year I hope.
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Re: ATS - The Final Cut
Reply #46 on:
July 09, 2011, 01:32:08 AM »
Fantastic video. Loved every second of it.
Reynard The Fox
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Re: ATS - The Final Cut
Reply #47 on:
July 09, 2011, 02:11:38 AM »
Man such a great video! Great intros and outro! The editing and the music were really good.
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Re: ATS - The Final Cut
Reply #48 on:
July 09, 2011, 02:20:47 AM »
Fantastic video, awesome stunts and awesome edit actually i don't have words to describe this beautiful video.
Nice Guy
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Re: ATS - The Final Cut
Reply #49 on:
July 09, 2011, 02:24:16 AM »
Really amazing video, I usually skip all the intros but I had to watch this since ATS intros have always been amazing so was this one!
Stunts very kinda of simple for me but they are still amazing and looks hard to perform so cheers..
I also spotted some oldies, at least two (2) stunts were old by me
Best VC video so far, no doubt.
Posts: 6501
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Re: ATS - The Final Cut
Reply #50 on:
July 09, 2011, 02:27:06 AM »
I could write a full review and a huge post about what this video made me feel, but it wouldn't make much difference, so I'll just sum it up in a word: wow
I got CDs in my crate like crack in my pocket...yeah right, neither of the above
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Re: ATS - The Final Cut
Reply #51 on:
July 09, 2011, 02:47:39 AM »
Guys, this was so fucking great I didn't wanted the video to end
You are probably the only ones that can do a masterpiece like this, incorporating all your knowledge in one video - all the scripting, editing, music, stunting and last but not least - FUN.
Btw am I the only one that spotted the window changing at 5:12
amazing idea
When I saw all of those billboards having ATS characters I giggled, or those logos placed on the bus - crazy ideas!
As for the stunt - I love it how you guys still have fun after being one of the oldest crews STILL stunting, and STILL landing all of these crazy stuff!
There wasn't one single thing missing - grinds, precis, big airs - they were all here! I was about to say:"Damn I missed neo's precis in this" and then I saw that wallride to preci and was like O.o
I must say Kingjad was a pleasant surprise in this video!
Once again GREAT job ATS and thanks for inspiring us all these years.
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Re: ATS - The Final Cut
Reply #52 on:
July 09, 2011, 02:50:16 AM »
Samurai's editing was masterful, his determination to make everything flawless for this video was incredible. Vegas kept playing silly buggers with him but he kept persevering and doing his absolute best to get the matter resolved. On a personal note I'm very happy with what I contributed, the stunts were new in the VC engine as far as I'm aware, Neo did a similar grind but in a different spot he bumped in last ATS vid. Some insane stunts by everyone in this vid, I'm glad I didn't drag things down and could provide a few good stunts also. Max's double grab was fucking insane, Kaneda's ridiculous luck with the taxis are a complete mindfuck, some of Neo's grinds were beautifully executed, the vision from guys like Nitz and Sam as well for some of their spots were just breathtaking. I can't say enough good things about this vid, Sam did an amazing job, and the intro/outro was phenomenol. I'm here stunting today because of ATS, because of Nitzkit largely who patiently helped me get into stunting. I am what I am on GTAStunting today partially cos of Nitz, obviously TMS a huge influence as well but Nitz has been a huge influence for me.
Thank you ATS, from the old veterans like Darkness, Hagz, ZeroX, to the newer guys like Knapman, KidA, Nagual. A continuous source of inspiration.
BTW people, there's a LOT of easter eggs in this vid. See if you can spot them all.
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Re: ATS - The Final Cut
Reply #53 on:
July 09, 2011, 02:50:29 AM »
That was a really great video ATS i love it in every way.
As 1nsane said my first ever stunting video was an ATS one and you guys made me start stunting thank you for that you are the best crew and will always be the best with your sick introns and style of stunting.
You have never disapointed someone becouse there was nothing lame in every video you made.
You are truely the best.
Adicted to stunting ALWAYS
A maid
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Re: ATS - The Final Cut
Reply #54 on:
July 09, 2011, 03:02:11 AM »
There simply are no words for me to describe this. Videos are often really amazing but this is one-of-a-kind. Might vote on this one for crewvid of the year.
Everything was great, every single bit, intro, main, credits, everything
May ATS last forever and never disappear into the HOF.
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Re: ATS - The Final Cut
Reply #55 on:
July 09, 2011, 03:19:43 AM »
I just don't know what to say here but I am sure I want to comment on this D= It's just so freaking perfect!
Best crew video of the year so far and the best crew ever
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Re: ATS - The Final Cut
Reply #56 on:
July 09, 2011, 03:21:15 AM »
Thanks guys, just... Thanks!
You guys always seems out of the forum, don't paying attention to whats going on, retired and yet you can surprise us with this!
I always looked up to what you did Kaneda, stunting wise and editing wise, but all of you inspire/impress me for different reasons.
You don't do stunting videos, you do videos with stunts in it.
Last Edit: July 09, 2011, 04:02:45 AM by NuclearDeath
formerly known as Flava and cloudwalker
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Re: ATS - The Final Cut
Reply #57 on:
July 09, 2011, 03:33:38 AM »
This was unbelievable. The stunts, the editing, the scripting, the ideas behind all this.
This is truly my favorite GTAStunting video now and I don't really watch VC videos that often.
ATS is the best crew when it comes to VC. Really amazing! Every work is unique.
The soundtrack was superb and it couldn't have been better.
Big props to the scene at: 10:53 - 11:07. It was probably the most beautiful and time consuming idea that I've ever seen in a GTAStunting video.
R.I.P ATS! We will miss you!
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Re: ATS - The Final Cut
Reply #58 on:
July 09, 2011, 04:05:21 AM »
I've always thought of you guys are more like family than a crew, that's why your videos give me good and long lasting vibes. The ammount of energy concentrated in these 15 minutes was almost overwhelming at times (you guys sure know how to edit and script with style). Thanks for everything you've done, both for stunting and the forums!
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Posts: 328
Re: ATS - The Final Cut
Reply #59 on:
July 09, 2011, 04:14:06 AM »
It's not only the stunting and editing which makes the video.
For me videos giving a feeling are the real ones.
Hardcore music with hardcore editing, may the stunts be epic, just doesn't touch me.
That's why i completely prefer this video as let's say WH vids.
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