this is very noob
Noob videos
Organized and edited: DeathMazhine
Production: Crystal Designs
Wow dude you are sooooo egocentric
I mean. first all I see of you is going around calling other people's videos noob without any creative criticism.
Then I see you in your own video showing off your stunts more than the others
in the info you highlighted your name in green twice as if the other participants in the video didn't matter as much, you didn't even highlight Crystal Designs, your own production.
also stating:
I hope you like my new video
just cause your editor doesn't mean it's all your vid.
and seriously posting a headshot of spock as your profile pic? that's a bit far.
I don't mean to troll but honestly you have to be put in your place if you don't go around respecting other's hard work and calling them noob because you don't have the common sense to read So anyway, this has no feelings toward what I said up thar but
Editing sucked..hard. No CC mostly uninteresting, nothing really new. nothing meh well...un-original in a way.
Stunts weren't bad, lol'd at the second stunt
the song could have been better. Might have been able to help you edit better.
Overall. a few things about you made the video a bit less flashy but I still liked the stunts.
good job stunters