-All high, water and that other thing above it on very high
-Shadows off, all shadows.. cause if I set them to low my FPS drops with around 30
-All the meter at around 50 (so halfway..)
-No commandline yet, forgot to add it
-no patches.. cause I still get crashes after I install them and I dont need shadows to play this game
and I still get like 50-60 FPS most of the time.. sometimes it drops to 40 though.. near water and near the center of the second island
ow forgot my PC.. its not as great as ^ one but still..
-Intel i5 650 (dual core yes..) @ 3.2 GHz
-ATI Radeon HD 5670 1GB.. yes its kinda a crappy card but you dont need a great one for IV.. (runs Crysis fine though..Medium settings ofcourse
-6GB RAM(not the slow ones but the faster ones.. Too lazy to look em up)
-Dont know the motherboard
-1.5 TB hard drive