12B DIR 07/08/2010 15:03:54
KINDERGARDEN DIR 17/09/2009 19:55:52
NANSV DIR 17/09/2009 19:53:47
RP66 COMPLETED DIR 17/09/2009 19:53:47
RP78 DIR 17/09/2009 19:56:13
RP79 DIR 17/09/2009 19:56:42
SA DIR 17/09/2009 19:58:08
TMS 2009 VIDEO DIR 17/09/2009 19:55:08
VOYAGE DIR 17/09/2009 19:53:48
2.59_BK_Nightknight_PCJ packerbump 300008 25/07/2006 01:47:18
BK bsm to grind 200008 18/06/2006 21:27:00
BK vs Psycho_GTASL2_packer to wallride to boat 400008 04/08/2006 20:52:42
BK_113ft height 286ft distance freeway coach bump 200008 24/09/2006 15:26:22
BK_153ft airport packerbump over water 600008 07/10/2006 15:04:50
BK_170ft PB_unlanded 300008 16/10/2006 17:50:54
BK_176ft PB number 2 300008 10/07/2006 21:22:58
BK_196ft pb to samurai roof 400008 13/05/2008 16:25:51
BK_3rd 176ft PB 500008 07/10/2006 14:58:34
BK_Aenima PB from revenants_near malibu 300008 24/10/2006 00:57:10
BK_AG off moonbeam_car explodes 300008 19/09/2006 18:16:20
BK_airport AG 100008 24/12/2006 15:26:38
BK_ammunation roof_bump to hospital 200008 31/12/2006 05:59:20
BK_awesome packerbump on ship to precision.rep 200008 25/03/2007 16:52:52
BK_beach ramp to csm to pink roof_150ft 300008 19/01/2007 00:10:18
BK_big packerbump white building FINALLY.rep 400008 18/07/2009 23:45:48
BK_big PB challenge.rep 400008 12/07/2009 14:21:24
BK_big_packerbump_white_building.rep 300008 20/06/2008 23:41:12
BK_BJ challenge 113ft PB near fire station 300008 24/09/2006 23:24:34
BK_bsm at stadium 300008 16/05/2006 00:27:22
BK_bsm crate to crane 200008 28/05/2006 04:33:46
BK_bsm to BB grind 300008 25/07/2006 02:42:44
BK_bsm to boat 400008 27/07/2006 22:23:08
BK_bsm to stoppie to grind_fire 300008 22/12/2006 02:27:54
BK_bsm to vrock roof.rep 200008 23/04/2006 13:27:06
BK_bsm wallride through wall =P creds 300008 29/10/2006 17:10:36
BK_bump off moving van.rep 600008 22/08/2007 13:59:08
BK_bump off road to coach to pink roof 200008 25/12/2006 19:50:12
BK_bump that barney done @ building site 200008 17/11/2006 21:06:46
BK_bump to bump off tree to welcome sign 300008 05/08/2006 04:46:24
BK_bump to Fire station roof 200008 19/09/2006 17:58:18
BK_bump to krail to grind 200008 30/05/2006 00:47:22
BK_bump to roof at fire station_second landing 200008 24/09/2006 16:25:26
BK_bump to tank bump to roof 200008 29/10/2006 21:38:56
BK_bump topink building_catch fire 300008 25/12/2006 03:10:40
BK_cheetah grind =D 800008 25/04/2006 17:40:16
BK_cherry popper bump to TINY rail lol 200008 24/09/2006 22:24:28
BK_cherry popper packer to bump to roof 200008 24/09/2006 22:19:40
BK_cool krail to grind_airport 200008 30/09/2006 22:21:08
BK_cork to grind_beach 600008 20/04/2006 23:01:34
BK_cork to grind_bridge 500008 12/04/2006 23:15:28
BK_cork to stoppie 200008 14/04/2006 21:16:22
BK_crappy pb over water 300008 17/11/2006 21:25:12
BK_csm to grind 200008 28/09/2006 01:49:24
BK_csm to stadium thing 200008 01/06/2006 13:54:44
BK_daffy challenge_awsome bump.rep 300008 27/09/2006 21:38:12
BK_daffy pb from opposide_freeway bonk to roof.rep 300008 03/04/2007 22:40:44
BK_double bump_near mal 400008 17/06/2006 10:35:18
BK_drop bump_400ft distance 83ft height 200008 19/04/2006 16:12:52
BK_drop to bump_freeway.rep 200008 17/03/2006 16:49:54
BK_firestation stoppie to grind.rep 400008 05/10/2006 18:56:10
BK_flaming backflip 100008 21/12/2006 09:26:04
BK_fountain to roof 300008 22/12/2006 22:01:04
BK_freeway bump to grind 100008 11/06/2006 15:38:26
BK_freeway PB.rep 300008 30/12/2006 04:41:04
BK_freeway stoppie to grind 200008 18/10/2006 23:32:38
BK_GIANT packerbump_near stadium 400008 30/03/2006 22:44:22
BK_GREAT_ramp to BSM to roof 200008 06/05/2006 14:56:42
BK_GTASL2 Entry_BK vs NoAP 200008 15/09/2006 15:51:38
BK_GTASL2 final_cabbie grind 200008 14/10/2006 13:23:14
BK_GTASL2 final_cabbie stunt 2 200008 13/10/2006 23:36:20
BK_GTASL2 final_cabbie stunt 2 [question mark] 200008 14/10/2006 13:05:46
BK_GTASL2 final_LC_cabbie stunt one 200008 13/10/2006 21:38:12
BK_GTASL2 ramp to roof to roof to ramp to roof 200008 27/09/2006 23:04:44
BK_GTASL2 stoppie to grind_faggio.rep 200008 26/09/2006 21:53:26
BK_GTASL2_ BK vs Hunt_Sanchez csm to stadium ring.rep 400008 04/10/2006 18:52:22
BK_GTASL2_sanchez roof to stucky stoppie to grind 100008 19/08/2006 16:43:20
BK_GTASL3_round 1_vs Tackleberry_bsm from pizza stack to blue building_tiny ass run up_first and only landed.rep.rep 300008 16/02/2007 23:06:44
BK_kaneda bump near mall.rep 200008 25/08/2006 21:09:16
BK_krail to stoppie.rep 400008 13/03/2006 18:48:18
BK_lampost bump to grind 500008 05/11/2006 18:57:34
BK_LC AG to crate thingy 500008 23/09/2006 18:07:24
BK_LC pb to bridge challenge_landed.rep 300008 10/10/2006 23:07:44
BK_LC_Big_CSM_god_dangit 300008 15/06/2008 23:26:31
BK_LC_fucking insane csm to grind.rep 600008 13/04/2009 18:57:03
BK_lolly coaches to csm_nansv 700008 18/07/2008 19:05:39
BK_marin_wall thing to BB grind =D 400008 19/04/2006 22:04:10
BK_massive airport packerbump 200008 30/03/2006 22:44:02
BK_nice krail to grind_finalight 400008 25/11/2006 19:04:22
BK_nitz+pleth bump to pink building 300008 29/08/2006 19:42:44
BK_omfg packerbump near VCPD 300008 13/09/2006 21:38:14
BK_ownage packerbump to big roof i landed in Invincible 300008 19/09/2006 18:48:32
BK_OWNAGE_stairs bonk hotel roof.rep 200008 19/07/2006 23:21:18
BK_paceker to grind in burrito @ beach.rep 600008 06/02/2007 15:30:16
BK_pacekr_cork to grind_lon 300008 17/05/2006 19:10:20
BK_packer bump_gas tower.rep 200008 03/03/2006 17:46:34
BK_packer to ramp to roof grind 200008 15/12/2006 15:15:34
BK_packer to roof to drop bump 300008 28/09/2006 00:04:32
BK_packer to wallride to roof neo PB'd to 200008 17/11/2006 21:37:34
BK_packerbump challenge_easy 200008 03/01/2007 02:01:58
BK_packerbump krail to crane 200008 31/05/2006 15:51:58
BK_Packerbump to hotel_24vid.rep 300008 02/01/2008 00:44:22
BK_packerbump to roof dafft bumped to near stadium 500008 16/11/2006 17:30:32
BK_packerbump_BH12 was trying 300008 10/05/2006 23:51:50
BK_PB off containers to thing_good 200008 30/05/2006 00:47:20
BK_PB off gun shop to big roof 200008 16/12/2006 15:57:56
BK_PB over water 200008 25/09/2006 20:07:20
BK_pb to big roof_tank place 400008 11/06/2006 19:06:22
BK_PB to hotel_lowre part 300008 25/08/2006 19:32:02
BK_pb to lower part white building new spot 200008 18/07/2008 20:00:18
BK_PBSM to roof THEFTman PB'd to 300008 24/10/2006 02:08:06
BK_PBSM to VCN roof 100008 23/10/2006 16:04:52
BK_pleth PB to big white building_near car park 800008 25/08/2006 19:48:32
BK_polebump to colourful roof 200008 29/05/2008 00:33:32
BK_PSM to BB 400008 26/10/2006 16:29:00
BK_ramp bsm to big white roof_daffy-nitzkit roof_near car park.rep 300008 22/05/2007 18:08:50
BK_ramp krail to stoppie over water_while on fire 200008 28/12/2006 02:13:44
BK_ramp to bump to roof 200008 05/10/2006 19:05:10
BK_ramp to csm to krail grind @ docks_small grind 200008 16/10/2006 21:51:08
BK_ramp to psm to stadium roof 200008 01/11/2006 22:22:56
BK_ramp wallride to old roof 800008 05/09/2006 20:04:24
BK_ramp_lampost bump_ownage 200008 17/06/2006 13:40:34
BK_roof grind to ledge grind 200008 25/12/2006 23:30:28
BK_roof ramps to grind_freeway.rep 200008 23/04/2006 13:27:06
BK_roof to grind wall to stay on ledge 200008 25/12/2006 23:23:04
BK_roof to stoppie to grind_c-popper.rep 400008 22/03/2006 21:03:46
BK_rotation to grind =D 300008 17/11/2006 22:55:20
BK_rotation to grind_base 200008 07/06/2006 18:48:54
BK_SAinVC_awesome pb 300008 25/03/2008 17:31:00
BK_sainvc_bsm to stadium 200008 26/03/2008 15:47:02
BK_SAinVC_freeway pb to explo roof 500008 24/03/2008 02:14:01
BK_Samurai bump near bank 200008 22/12/2006 20:33:42
BK_samurai PB from tombstone 300008 02/11/2006 23:13:26
BK_sanchez PB to BB grind 400008 03/06/2006 20:01:08
BK_sanchez precision stunt 100008 18/10/2006 23:45:56
BK_ship bump to funnel thing 100008 11/12/2006 00:40:58
BK_stadium tank bump to ring 300008 25/08/2006 18:43:12
BK_stairs bsm to grind_roof 300008 01/07/2006 13:57:58
BK_stoppie to cork to land grab thing 200008 17/11/2006 21:40:16
BK_stoppie to grind 300008 22/11/2006 18:20:26
BK_stoppie to grind_junk yard.rep 300008 28/04/2006 18:00:22
BK_stoppie to stoppie to grind_flaming 800008 18/12/2006 22:56:02
BK_stunt challenge 57_bsm off tree 200008 24/09/2006 14:35:36
BK_sunshine autos cork to grind 400008 24/09/2006 21:58:36
BK_taclite challenge_FL PB 500008 11/12/2006 17:01:58
BK_torque 120ft PB 200008 28/09/2006 02:34:34
BK_tree bump to grind_bridge 200008 29/07/2006 13:44:16
BK_unique PB to nitzkit roof downtown_laggy speedy replay 300008 19/10/2006 22:33:34
BK_unique stunt spot bump to grind_land in water.rep 200008 08/02/2007 15:51:02
BK_VC_Pakcer to Burrito grind 500008 04/01/2007 15:59:28
BK_wallride to grind_burrito van 200008 01/01/2007 23:33:08
BK_wallride to grind_golf course_un-grindable rail 200008 28/09/2006 02:01:26
BK_weak cork to grind 200008 17/11/2006 22:45:18
BSM to BB 200008 15/06/2006 16:33:24
BSM to BB grind 400008 17/06/2006 13:26:26
creds_BK_cherry popper bump to grind_fall off 300008 24/09/2006 22:08:52
creds_BK_credits grind to boat 400008 11/12/2006 01:00:40
Creds_BK_stucky stoppie on pcj 100008 27/09/2006 21:25:12
GTASL2_BK vs Pleth_packer to coach to bump to boat.rep 400008 01/10/2006 17:33:38
LC_BK_140ft pb to cool thing_hospital 300008 30/07/2008 23:15:20
LC_BK_163ft bump off boat near eddeman spot.rep 300008 11/03/2007 00:27:56
LC_BK_170ft FBI bump to bridge.rep 600008 11/03/2007 01:23:58
LC_BK_annoying lampost pb.rep 300008 18/07/2009 21:13:26
LC_BK_awesome AG 300008 18/11/2006 23:07:56
LC_BK_big airport PB 200008 10/08/2006 21:50:50
LC_BK_big packerbump white building FINALLY.rep 400008 18/07/2009 23:45:48
LC_BK_big pb near police station 200008 08/08/2006 21:50:10
LC_BK_big PB to roof_off tree 300008 22/07/2006 13:47:02
LC_BK_bsm to bridge part 200008 10/08/2006 20:45:00
LC_BK_bsm wall thing lold.rep 200008 13/09/2009 19:59:10
LC_BK_building site precision 400008 18/11/2006 22:44:44
LC_BK_bump to grind awesome 300008 27/01/2007 13:49:42
LC_BK_bump to skimmer bump to roof_flaming -.- 800008 27/01/2007 21:41:38
LC_BK_bump wallride thingy 200008 29/06/2006 20:33:06
LC_BK_csm in squalo to top.rep 500008 12/03/2007 22:05:56
LC_BK_CSM off van_to roof Ralleee stole.rep 300008 06/07/2008 01:18:34
LC_BK_freeway pb 300008 26/01/2007 23:09:58
LC_BK_freeway PB to ledge_building site 200008 10/07/2006 22:21:32
LC_BK_freeway skimmer bump @ airport 400008 28/10/2006 00:40:18
LC_BK_fucking insane csm to grind.rep 600008 13/04/2009 18:57:03
LC_BK_juan bridge ramp stunt 400008 30/08/2008 02:07:55
LC_BK_ok PB_small run up 300008 10/07/2006 22:47:20
LC_BK_old packerbump off trailer 200008 27/11/2006 17:25:02
LC_BK_ownage fucking awesome packerbump to roof Eddeman PB'd to.rep 300008 19/03/2007 18:47:14
LC_BK_ownage huge packerbump_GIANT 200008 27/08/2006 22:19:34
LC_BK_packer bump_hospital 200008 25/06/2006 14:05:04
LC_BK_packer to boat grind landed 200008 14/01/2007 00:09:36
LC_BK_packer to bridge part grab 200008 21/12/2006 22:29:52
LC_BK_packer to grass ramp to roof 300008 01/01/2007 04:42:24
LC_BK_packer to ramp to stoppie to cork through window 300008 14/01/2007 00:19:26
LC_BK_packer to train track to big BB 200008 28/08/2006 20:44:28
LC_BK_packerbump off lampost.rep 400008 03/06/2007 01:20:02
LC_BK_packerbump to docks_pretty nice 300008 28/10/2006 00:06:42
LC_BK_packerbump to train track 300008 22/12/2006 22:55:44
LC_BK_packerbump_off_tree_to_crazy_precision.rep 500008 26/03/2008 04:30:27
LC_BK_pakcerbump @ docks_awkward angle 200008 19/12/2006 16:21:30
LC_BK_PB big 300008 25/06/2006 18:23:56
LC_BK_PBSM to roof, 126ft, awesome 300008 18/11/2006 21:30:48
LC_BK_plethzorb pb landing 2 200008 05/01/2007 18:12:26
LC_BK_plethzorb PB landing 3 200008 05/01/2007 18:20:22
LC_BK_plethzorb PB_straight up_species 200008 05/01/2007 17:56:08
LC_BK_PSM to grind_building site 200008 28/08/2006 21:53:14
LC_BK_sidebsm to hospital.rep 100008 07/03/2007 22:22:18
LC_BK_stoppie train track grind to AG.rep 400008 14/02/2007 20:06:02
LC_BK_taxi boost to bridge thingy 300008 03/09/2006 15:41:14
LC_BK_van csm 400008 09/03/2008 17:31:00
LC_BK_wallride to grind @ stadium.rep 300008 11/02/2007 22:01:36
saivc_BK_bump to bridge island.rep 300008 24/06/2009 23:58:08
SAiVC_BK_same tankbump landed third time.rep 500008 23/07/2009 02:06:44
saivc_BK_tank bump 2nd time.rep 500008 23/07/2009 02:04:33
SAiVC_BK_tank bump lucky_man i got dat swagggg.rep 500008 23/07/2009 01:59:37
BK_awesome packerbump on ship to precision.rep 200008 25/03/2007 16:52:52
BK_beach ramp to csm to pink roof_150ft 300008 19/01/2007 00:10:18
BK_daffy pb from opposide_freeway bonk to roof.rep 300008 03/04/2007 22:40:44
BK_wallride to grind_burrito van 200008 01/01/2007 23:33:08
LC_BK_packerbump_off_tree_to_crazy_precision.rep 500008 26/03/2008 04:30:27
BK_186ft_Packerbump_Very_old_spot_new spot 300008 29/05/2008 23:59:57
BK_new packerbump to old sam roof.rep 300008 27/06/2008 14:00:55
BK_PB from juan-daffy spot to nitzkit roof.rep 400008 27/02/2007 22:28:08
BK_sick ramp to grind 400008 25/06/2008 15:23:41
BK_tank bump krail grind 600008 05/02/2007 02:13:52
BK_packers to csm 400008 05/02/2007 17:20:00
BK_PB off flatbed to big nitz roof_150ft 400008 05/02/2007 16:58:34
BK_pb off flatbed to top of white building 300008 05/02/2007 00:08:32
BK_pbsm.rep 200008 07/02/2007 17:43:52
LC_BK_csm off huge roof 400008 04/02/2007 22:58:08
LC_BK_packerbump off skimmer to bb with flatbed on top 300008 04/02/2007 21:57:24
LC_BK_pb off flatbed to roof with coaches 500008 04/02/2007 22:39:32
LC_BK_pb off lovefist to firestation.rep 300008 07/02/2007 02:57:18
credits ag 2.rep 100008 17/04/2007 21:22:18
credits ag 3.rep 200008 17/04/2007 21:30:06
credits ag.rep 300008 17/04/2007 21:16:10
landing 1.rep 300008 02/11/2006 23:13:26
landing 2.rep 500008 17/04/2007 20:36:32
landing 3.rep 200008 17/04/2007 21:04:12
landing 4.rep 200008 17/04/2007 22:05:48
landing 5.rep 500008 17/04/2007 22:27:38
landing 6.rep 100008 17/04/2007 22:26:02
1.rep 400008 18/02/2009 00:07:50
10.rep 300008 18/02/2009 16:07:20
11.rep 800008 18/02/2009 16:14:22
12.rep 800008 18/02/2009 16:23:48
13.rep 200008 18/02/2009 17:09:22
14.rep 200008 18/02/2009 18:42:30
2.rep 400008 18/02/2009 00:19:36
3.rep 200008 18/02/2009 01:08:46
4.rep 200008 18/02/2009 14:39:50
5.rep 800008 18/02/2009 15:00:40
6.rep 800008 18/02/2009 15:01:52
7.rep 200008 18/02/2009 15:23:16
8__a_sub.rep 200008 18/02/2009 15:39:16
9.rep 300008 18/02/2009 15:57:18
credit taxi lmao.rep 800008 18/02/2009 16:18:24
credit2.rep 300008 18/02/2009 17:24:22
landing1.rep 800008 19/02/2009 01:28:52
landing10.rep 300008 19/02/2009 02:33:16
landing11.rep 300008 19/02/2009 02:34:50
landing12.rep 800008 19/02/2009 02:37:58
landing13.rep 800008 19/02/2009 02:44:14
landing14.rep 500008 19/02/2009 02:45:46
landing15.rep 400008 19/02/2009 02:47:02
landing16.rep 400008 19/02/2009 03:14:10
landing2.rep 200008 19/02/2009 01:31:34
landing3.rep 200008 19/02/2009 01:35:14
landing4.rep 600008 19/02/2009 01:39:42
landing5.rep 200008 19/02/2009 01:49:34
landing6.rep 400008 19/02/2009 01:52:58
landing7.rep 300008 19/02/2009 02:00:04
landing8.rep 700008 19/02/2009 02:21:32
landing9.rep 300008 19/02/2009 02:26:42
BK_160ft infernus thingy.rep 400008 23/07/2009 18:37:47
BK_awesome drop bump to precision on top of BB 200008 10/03/2008 18:33:26
BK_awesome pb to precision 200008 08/03/2008 00:16:38
BK_bf400 bump to roof 200008 22/03/2008 17:19:16
BK_big packerbump 300008 09/03/2008 02:59:25
BK_bridge bump krail to grind 200008 24/03/2008 21:54:29
BK_bump krail to grind.rep 300008 22/11/2007 23:32:58
bk_bump to water tower 400008 29/02/2008 18:08:15
BK_credits_drobump to bb_airgrab 300008 10/03/2008 18:28:04
BK_drop krail to ledge grind 300008 20/03/2008 18:50:17
BK_good pb 300008 10/03/2008 18:01:18
BK_huge distance krail to grind_weird rail 500008 23/03/2008 00:19:48
BK_infernus grind 300008 09/03/2008 04:35:54
BK_Infernus grind to tank bump.rep 300008 04/11/2007 01:34:16
BK_lorry grind 200008 07/03/2008 23:17:45
BK_moun_bunny to bump 200008 30/01/2008 14:05:26
BK_moun_bunny to bump 2 200008 30/01/2008 14:10:22
BK_moun_bunnybump to roof_jump glitck to higher roof 200008 30/01/2008 14:24:37
BK_packer to bump krail to grind 400008 29/02/2008 16:38:32
BK_Packer to wall grind to precision.rep 700008 03/11/2007 23:00:40
BK_pb to construction_juan 300008 24/02/2008 15:26:15
BK_ramp krail to grind 300008 26/02/2008 23:15:42
BK_ramp to ledge grind 400008 05/04/2008 15:14:51
bk_ramp to precision on wall 300008 08/03/2008 02:07:54
BK_SA_infernus ledge grind.rep 200008 19/08/2009 14:41:14
Bk_sa_pbsm grind to roof 500008 17/01/2008 20:59:18
BK_SA_Steps krail to grind 200008 14/05/2008 16:07:04
BK_skatepark ramp to ledge grind 100008 02/04/2008 17:33:02
BK_wallride_backward stoppies bunny hop precision 400008 30/01/2008 15:40:49
Brainkiller_nrg500.txd 3244712 22/03/2008 22:51:52
credits_BK_old bump to backwards stoppie 300008 05/04/2008 15:24:53
inf reland.rep 700008 14/08/2009 02:26:32
SA_BK_car bump.rep 400008 15/08/2009 20:48:11
SA_BK_curb to grind to twist to grind.rep 200008 19/10/2008 02:41:56
SA_BK_fcr PB to precision_LV.rep 500008 11/02/2008 16:11:00
SA_BK_fcr_bump krail to grind 400008 15/02/2008 00:20:47
SA_BK_Ramp bump to BB_near LS skatepark.rep 200008 23/07/2008 23:30:28
BK_big PB challenge.rep 400008 12/07/2009 14:21:24
BK_big_packerbump_white_building.rep 300008 20/06/2008 23:41:12
BK_bump off moving van.rep 600008 22/08/2007 13:59:08
BK_pb to lower part white building new spot 200008 18/07/2008 20:00:18
BK_polebump to colourful roof 200008 29/05/2008 00:33:32
LC_BK_140ft pb to cool thing_hospital 300008 30/07/2008 23:15:20
LC_BK_annoying lampost pb.rep 300008 18/07/2009 21:13:26
LC_BK_big packerbump white building FINALLY.rep 400008 18/07/2009 23:45:48
LC_BK_bsm wall thing lold.rep 200008 13/09/2009 19:59:10
LC_BK_fucking insane csm to grind.rep 600008 13/04/2009 18:57:03
SAiVC_BK_same tankbump landed third time.rep 500008 23/07/2009 02:06:44
SAiVC_BK_tank bump lucky_man i got dat swagggg.rep 500008 23/07/2009 01:59:37
BK_c-vid_wallride twist to grind.rep 500008 25/03/2007 17:54:32
BK_credits how i got boat.rep 800008 17/03/2007 16:48:44
BK_downtown bump off boat to roof.rep 400008 17/03/2007 17:04:34
BK_drop bump flatbed bump 200008 31/12/2006 05:35:20
BK_unique ramp bump krail to grind 400008 29/01/2007 20:32:54
LC_BK_bsm off freeway ramp+.rep 400008 14/02/2007 18:36:20
LC_BK_FBI bump 1st landing_higher and more rotation.rep 600008 12/02/2007 20:59:48
LC_BK_FBI bump 2nd landing of first one i landed_very smooth.rep 500008 14/02/2007 22:00:00
LC_BK_grass ramp to train bridge to roof_landing 2 300008 26/01/2007 22:49:08
LC_BK_packerbump to lc airport roof_catch fire 400008 12/01/2007 23:21:24