LMAO! i JUST now saw this
okay...good vid....plz ecuse my typing, i cant see very well, very dizzy from this damn stomach virus....so ecuse the typoes
stuntes: 10/10
music: 10/10
editing: 10/10
overall: 10/10
good vie :grin:
the red crap at the end made me sway in position, and it hurt my eyes. the blury effects make me dizzy too....not usually, but i'm sick.......
the beginning with the like 20 or so boxes with stunts in then was cool.
the part with Daffy's 4 stunts just sliced into 4 places, was annoting because my eyes hurt, and i had to rewind....and watch it 4 different times
sry if im gribing but i feel very crappy.