I've got a big problem, which is making me furious. Yesterday, I bought Garry's Mod from Steam, and I installed it together with a Source engine ( CS:S ). Well, everything seemed nice, I could start the game, change name and everything. EXCEPT for joining servers in MP, or creating own Single-Player servers. When it's almost completely done loading, the game shuts down and 3 error's come up: 1. Engine error: 01x0000000 - 01x0000000 - Memory could not be read. 2. Direct3DGraphics - Error. 3. HL2.Exe have conquered an error, and will shut down immediatly.
Does anyone have any tips on how to prevent these errors from showing up? I've downloaded DirectX 10 ( DX 9 required ), but it still shuts down. If anyone have any tip, PLEASE post it, I would be most grateful.
Thank you.