I dunno if I comented yet, anyways I are going to do it like nows.
Outstanding job XSA! The editing wasn't to special, but I liked the song choice. Also the theme with the UFO's was pretty cool. The stunts were nothing short but amazing. Loved all of Corevil his stunts, and the new guys also did a great job. Some stunts didn't look that great, but it might be my personal opinion. Some stand out stunts for me where Sweet his stoppie to ledge grind, I loved that, and Core his Cabbie boost. That was just insane. Also Lab his wallride building thingy was pwn. Great job on those stunts! I lost two spots, one to Omni his packer bump in the LS sewers (my version will be in the comm vid though...), and an LS infernus bump to Slayer.
All in all a great vid, which didn't disapoint me in any way. Keep on rocking XSA!
Forgot to mention that Slayer is second to last stunt was awesome, and Core his Quad backflip to grind was PWN!