Author Topic: [MTS] Torque  (Read 3532 times)

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Offline Xtramus

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[MTS] Torque
« on: August 01, 2007, 03:34:45 AM »

***The reason this interview is so long is because Torque wanted to pick some of the questions himself***

I've been watching Deadliest Catch a lot lately... maybe too much. If you owned a crab fishing boat, what would you name it? What is your favorite band, of whom you do not own any of their albums? Which band do you have the most mp3s of, but don't own any of their albums? (NoAPOlogies)

I'd probably have to go and name the boat Jeff. Right now my favorite band, that I don't own any albums from has to be Dope. The band I have the most mp3s of, that I don't own any albums is Static-X with 55 songs. It would've been Korn with a long shot if I didn't buy their albums (129 songs).

In you're opinion, what's you're favorite video of all time? Would you love me if I told you I watch Survive daily? (Nightkid)

This one's a pretty hard question to answer, you can only watch a video so many times until you get bored of it. But one video which really stood out for me had to be 5ive, it was amazing in all aspects for me. Perfect editing, perfect stunts and it totally revolutionized stunting in my eyes.  Nightkid you already know your one of my favorite people that I know.

When it comes to stunting....what part of it do you enjoy most. (multiple choice question) (Nitzkit)
1. Timed Videos
2. Roof Pwnages
3. Normal Video Releases (solos)
4. Normal Video Releases (Collabs)

Timed videos have always been fun to do, it gives you a chance to try stunts and land those ideas you've had in the back of your mind for a while and don't have to worry about others taking them seriously. People have over-exaggerated the concept of a timed video lately so those really don't appeal to me anymore. Roof Pwanges are alright in my book, just not the best thing I like to do. When it really comes down to it, I'll have to say that solos have to be something I enjoy a lot. I can just take stunts I like to do and put them in a video with my own style of music and my own style of editing and just worry about making it the way I see fit. Collaborations might also be enjoyable, but it's a real downer for me when they don't end up the way you wanted it to be.

Why haven't you settled down into a crew? What video, that you've been in, do you like the most? Are you ever gonna release another solo video? (finallight)

I wouldn't have wanted anything more but to be in a crew back in the day, all I wanted to do was be in a crew when I started stunting but I never really got into one. The way I think of it is that almost every great stunter from back in 04 is in a crew. There are probably three exceptional stunters that are great and aren't in a crew, and I'm one of them. I would love to be in a crew but most of them don't need a extra stunter or aren't really interested. I'm tied between three videos; Survive, Dedicated and Connected. If I had to choose it would be Dedicated, that video was legendary and will remain legendary for generations to come. I've had the idea in the back of my mind for a while but from the looks of it theres a really-really slim possibility that I might make another "real" solo.

Have you ever got so bored of stunting that you have thought about quiting it? (Insane)

Oh yea, so many times. I've gone countless days without stunting and I just feel so lack-lustered with stunting that the only thing left to do is quit.

What is your favorite thing to do away from GTAS? (NoAPOlogies)

Driving has to be it. It's been such a great experience for me, otherwise it's just chilling with people, my friends and family.

Who's your favorite stunter from back when you were first stunting? (Atenshun)

GTAFanatic takes the cake. He's the one that got me into stunting, and has been my mentor for me from the start. The first stunt video I ever watched was Stunt Reel 4 by GTAFanatic. And four years later I'm still stunting and here, I never saw that coming. After all whatever happens in the future can be anyones guess. Is there even gonna be a world four years from now?

If you could go get 5 stunters in the whole world and spend a day with them, who would they be? (Hiei)

Five stunters that I would spend a day with would be; Nitzkit, Nightkid, Blah, NightKnight and GTAFanatic. I've spoken so much to Nitzkit and Nightkid that I can almost say that I know everything about them, there really great people to talk to. Blah and NightKnight just manage to waste so much of my time I can't help but wonder how they'd be in real life.  The last one is self-explained.

What would be your dream team of stunters? And what stunts would you have them do? (Energise)

My dream team of stunters would contain all these guys: Valikai, kr3mlin, comaboy, Misguided Angel, Buzzsaw, Dannye, Samurai, Insane, Fugitive, Bloodyhook, Kid A,finallight, Nagual, GTAFanatic, Jehde, Daffy, Nightkid, Morton, NightKnight, Barney, Kaneda, Darkness, Whiteshadow, Neo, VenomX, Technogeek, Rocka, Xtramus, mike, Nitzkit, marklund, Andyroososoft. I'd just have them do whatever they do best.

What makes someone a great stunter? (KiD A)

In my eyes a great stunter has to be a great person, one who can talk to everyone and can basically get along with everyone. A honest and trustworthy fellow. He also has to have some skill, do decent stunts and not just try to go for the highest roof he can find.  He has to be unique, land stunts that no one would've ever thought of, create and leave behind a legacy.The stunter will not resort to RADs no matter what, and will have the patience to do whatever stunt he pleases.

Why do you dislike the lazy wheelie speed glitch? Why do you stay at these forums? What do you dislike about stunting? (finallight)

For me it just seems like a short cut to do stunts, I've seen people do old stunts that were done without it and use RADs to redo the stunt, or use the glitch for stunts that do not require it. I've also been guilty of using this method myself and I admit that there are certain stunts that do require the use of this method but I generally tend to stay away from those types of stunts. I stay on these forums to basically get ideas from others for stunts, read what others think of my videos and other works. It's a great place to be for critiques and criticism, both good and bad. Although I prefer the good.  As I said before, people have started using things like RADs and glitches to do "better" stunts. That's just really lame to see.

What's the last video you saw, that made you want to do better stunts? (BoBsaget)

Outlaws, the atmosphere of that video was just mindblowing.

Why do you use a different skin for each different vids? (Arky)

Well when I started stunting and started watching videos, GTAFanatic would use different skins for each one of his videos with a matching PCJ color. I guess since I had looked up to him, I had gotten into that habit as well. Now I just do it because it's unique and not the same old thing that everyone else does; using custom PCJs, sparks, clouds, grass, skies, streets and that kinda crap.

What was the first few words to come out of your mouth after you landed the busbump in Connected? (Daffy)

I tried to say something but sound wasn't coming out of my mouth.

You, as have many stunters, first started editing with Windows Movie Maker, but now you, and many stunters, use Sony Video Vegas. (finallight)
1) Why did you start using Vegas?
2) How did you handle the transition between Windows Movie Maker and Vegas?
3) Would you ever edit another video with Windows Movie Maker?

I started using Vegas because I felt that I was limited to what I could really achieve with videos when I used Windows Movie Maker. I had downloaded Vegas right after I had finished my fifth solo; Right Now. And it just stayed on my PC until I started a small demo video Exssurextion, that was the first time I had ever opened up Vegas. And then I got used to it when I really played around with it when making Survive. Probably don't think I'll ever use WMM to edit again, however I'll keep that thought with me.

How do you view your career in terms of what you have wanted to accomplish? Do you have any regrets like not joining a crew? Any people you haven't stunted with that you would like to? In short, are you happy with the way that you've spent your three years on this site? When can we expect another solo from you? Will you ever join a crew? Do you like the way that stunting, as well as the stunting community, is progressing? (Docta Luv)

My "career" has been alright, it could've gone hell of a lot better. I really wish that I didn't take that long break in '05, and then get back to stunt near the beginning of '06. But I've met tons of great people in my journey and that's enough for me to be happy with my career. I lost several opportunities in the past to be in one but I'm just hoping that I'll get several more in the future. I've stunted with a lot of great people in the past three years and I've fine with who I've stunted with, don't really expect anything more. Of course I am, I really loved the way everything turned out. I honestly don't know if there ever will be one more, I guess we'll just have to wait and find out.  It's safe to say that I will join a crew, just really not sure which one though and remember guys theres only one Torque in stock so get me while I'm hot.  I really don't like the way everything is turning out right now, more people are insisting on being "bad-asses" on the forums and there are just tons of really stupid posts being made. Stunting could be better, the flow of videos released has slowed down dramatically, but hopefully that will change.

Whats your take on continuous modding? (Plethzorb)

It's retarded. If your gonna mod and say your sorry and do it over and over again then just get off these forums. We don't want you here - it's that simple.

Why do you always take major breaks between videos? How come you still manage to keep up with modern standards? (Xtramus)

Because it keeps you guys on your toes waiting for me to be in a vid.  I really never thought about it. If I have stunts lying around I'll usually IM someone and ask if they know of anyone who's doing a video or I'll get with some crews and ask them if they need a guest. I suppose that I have my own personal goal of guesting in a video with every crew. I don't really think about the "standards", because to me these "standards" are just what everyone else wants to see from a stunt. I'll just be riding around and go to myself "Oh, that's a cool stunt. Wonder if it's possible." and just give it a few goes. You should be the one who sets the standards, not anyone else.

What question would you like to be asked (that didn't come up in this interview), and what would be the answer? (Ostits)

I'm happy with the questions that were asked and couldn't ask for anything more.

Offline Kenny

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[MTS] Torque
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2007, 03:37:54 AM »
You didn't answer any of my questions Torque

Great interview.

Offline Luky

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[MTS] Torque
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2007, 03:53:33 AM »
Awesome interview.

Offline TwistOfate

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[MTS] Torque
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2007, 04:03:45 AM »
Great Job awesome Interview  .

Offline VaNilla

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[MTS] Torque
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2007, 04:15:31 AM »
It's finally done, nice interview .

Offline PlethZorb

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[MTS] Torque
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2007, 04:41:15 AM »
Ahhh Torque, always a pleasure!

Offline ApeX

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[MTS] Torque
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2007, 05:09:07 AM »

EDIT: owh meat the stunter  i tought u writed TMS Wrong
« Last Edit: August 01, 2007, 05:09:31 AM by ApeX »

Offline Inwa

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[MTS] Torque
« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2007, 05:21:19 AM »
Great interview, I know a lot more about Torque now that before
« Last Edit: August 01, 2007, 05:22:04 AM by Inwa »


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[MTS] Torque
« Reply #8 on: August 01, 2007, 05:25:01 AM »
 Good questions and Great interview... i would like to see more

Offline Docta Luv

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[MTS] Torque
« Reply #9 on: August 01, 2007, 10:42:42 AM »
Great interview

Offline Tackleberry

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[MTS] Torque
« Reply #10 on: August 01, 2007, 11:51:06 AM »
I was both hoping and expecting better other questions and answers. Still a good interview and I hope this section gets a bit more active in the future.

Offline Nitzkit

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[MTS] Torque
« Reply #11 on: August 01, 2007, 05:30:20 PM »
nice read... good interview (Y)

Offline NoAPOlogies

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[MTS] Torque
« Reply #12 on: August 01, 2007, 05:37:24 PM »
Who the hell names their boat "Jeff"? Its inconceivable!!

Offline kr3mlin

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[MTS] Torque
« Reply #13 on: August 01, 2007, 06:19:43 PM »
Awesome interview. Some great answers that satisfied the questions asked in my opinion. Now the thing that would make this MTS complete is to have someone make a Torque's Dream Team userbar

EDIT: Check my new userbar
« Last Edit: August 04, 2007, 12:31:22 AM by kr3mlin »

Offline Torque

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[MTS] Torque
« Reply #14 on: August 04, 2007, 11:04:07 AM »
Looking good kr3m.


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