CempaS I am not asking you to argue my opinion. I think what I said would make for a better video. it is my opinion. It is not yours to judge. I will elaborate on all my points because this fucktard argued my points for no reason.
1. Yes the music its personal taste. i agree. I liked the intro music better then the main music is all. Ohh and BTW get your music right. The intro is far from the emo genre.
2. As for the the camera play. Its nice but sometimes i had trouble understanding what was happing. WHen you make a video you want the people to be able to look and not have to concentrate on whats happening. Its like a movie. You get to sit down and relax and just watch the things happen. Same goes for this. When you need to concentrate to undrstand whats happening on the screen it gets hard to follow. The excessive wonkyness did this to me.
3. You cannot get on that roof with a helicopter and a bike. The obviouse way is that he teleported there or jetpacked his way up there. Some people find this ok, most don't. Stunts like that just cause arguments. The general rule in VC is "you need to be able to do it with a nonmodded copy of vc" and that you obviously can't. its a sweet stunt idea but I promise that there are spots to do it legit. heck I found a spot to do 3 airgrabs with my pizzaboy (not counting a possible groundgrab if i fell like doing one when landing). Its all about searching. I think thats a useful skill to develope in VC. To look at something and run about 50 different ideas in your head until one is logical and works. I'm sure you will find cool buildings to pull that stunt off
4. Groundgrabs at the end of a stunt are there in order to not fall off the bike. This is poor because it makes you think the person cannot do this. if you fall, im sorry to say you start again. f you look at all the big stunters none of them do grabs like that when they land. They obviously crash and fall off their bikes multiple times but they keep trying until the stunt is accomplished and clean. I was just mentioning this because i feel that not having these grabs would make the quality of your stunts better.'
This post might seem offencive. nothing against the crew. Only against this idiot who argued against a personal opinion.