Ok gonna start with the very basics in hopes people will become interested to learn. This script is for
VC ONLY and will
NOT work in LC. The coding process is the same but scripts are not interchangable.
I know it's a long read but please feel free to ask any questions. I don't know it all but I'll help as much as I can.
Check this site out. It's where I picked up alot of information on what's what.
VC WebtoolsFirst, these are the tools you'll need.
Vice Builder version 022.(this program is for opening and creating .scm files in VC\LC)
Spoosh Demo or another tool that gives co-ords in game of your location(this program shows on screen where you are in the game with 3(X,Y,Z) coordinates)
Ped Model Referance Guide(Basically it's a bunch of pictures of each ped with thier names so you know who's who)
Fraps(this program allows you to record your in game footage)
Camhack v3.0c(this also allows you record game footage but allows you to move the camera around with your mouse, this is optional and not required)
When you install and open Mission Builder you'll need to have a 'stripped" script in the VC data folder so
FIRST back up your main.scm file to some where safe. Then add this script, main.scm.txt(attached below).
Now in Mission Builder open file and find this main.scm.txt. It should open and should be able to read it. Click anywhere on the page and press F7. This will overwrite your main.scm. You can now start a new game in VC and this script is what you'll get. Remember each time you make any changes to a script you must press F7, exit the game and start a "new" game.
Now in the Mission Builder folder are some helpful .txt files for things like animations and weapons. They will list the animation, weapon, it's number and the action or particular weapon you'll get by using it. There are also opcodes(a list of codes that result in particular actions). These are useful to help find a code to make a ped, vehicle or the camera do something.
Here is a basic script I wrote up to get things started. This is for
VC ONLY and will not work in LC. This is what's called a "stripped" script. Alot of things in game are missing, pickups, parked cars, interiors, peds, traffic etc.
The list below is color coded. The code or codes that cause the action to happen are that color in the script.
Spawns you at a given locationSets the time and weatherCreates 2 vehicles, a car and a bikeCreates two peds, ARMY and BKA(a biker)Places them each in one of the carsGives them each a weaponMakes them drive to a given locationHas them get out of thier carsHas them walk to a given locationHas them face eachotherTells ARMY to kill BKATells ARMY to crouch down in front of BKAHas ARMY walk to the bike and drive awayBasically I want you guys to download this script and play around with it to get a feel of how things happen.
Just remember to back up your original main.scm. If you do something wrong the game will crash so just tab out and fix whatever it was you just changed.
I will continue these based on this script in the future adding different actions and camera moves.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0002: jump ££Label008620
0002: jump ££Label008644
DEFINE OBJECT DOOR \\ This is an unused object. You can put anything here.
0002: jump ££Label008658
03A4: name_thread "MAIN"
016A: fade 0? () 0? ms
01F0: set_max_wanted_level_to 0?
03AD: toggle_rubbish 0?
03DE: set_pedestrians_density_multiplier_to 0?
01EB: set_car_density_to 0?
0111: set_wasted_busted_check_to 0? (disabled)
00C0: set_current_time 10? 0?04E4: unknown_refresh_game_renderer_at 380.60! 253.15!
03CB: set_camera 380.60! 253.15! 15.43!
0053: $PLAYER_CHAR = create_player #NULL at 380.60! 253.15! 15.43!01F5: $PLAYER_ACTOR = create_emulated_actor_from_player $PLAYER_CHAR
0330: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR infinite_run_to 1? (true)
0001: wait 0? ms
01B6: set_weather 0?00D6: if 0?
8118: NOT actor $PLAYER_ACTOR dead
004D: jump_if_false ££Label0086EF
0352: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR skin_to "PLAYER"
038B: load_requested_models
0353: refresh_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR
0222: set_player 2228?? health_to 100!
016A: fade 1? (back) 1000& ms
00D6: if 0?
0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined
004D: jump_if_false ££Label0086EF
04BB: select_interiour 0? \\ select render area
01B4: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR frozen_state 1? (unfrozen)
01B7: release_weather
0001: wait 1000& ms
0247: request_model #PCJ6000247: request_model #INFERNUS0247: request_model #UZI[/color]
0247: request_model #ARMY0247: request_model #TEC90247: request_model #BKA00D6: if 0?
8248: NOT model #PCJ600 available
8248: NOT model #INFERNUS available8248: NOT model #UZI available8248: NOT model #ARMY available8248: NOT model #TEC9 available8248: NOT model #BKA available004D: jump_if_false ££Label008706
0001: wait 1000& ms
0002: jump ££Label008700
038B: load_requested_models
0001: wait 1000& ms
0002: jump ££Label008711
0001: wait 1000& ms
00A5: 400?? = create_car #INFERNUS at 338.58! 239.19! 11.37!
0175: set_car 400?? z_angle_to 270!
00AE: unknown_set_car 400?? to_ignore_traffic_lights 1?
00AD: set_car 400?? max_speed_to 0!
02AC: set_car 400?? immunities 1? 1? 1? 1? 1?0129: 28?? = create_actor 4? #ARMY in_car 400?? driverseat01B2: give_actor 28?? weapon 22? ammo 100&
02E2: set_actor 28?? weapon_accuracy_to 99?0350: unknown_actor 28?? not_scared_flag 1?
0002: jump ££Label008717
0001: wait 1000& ms
00A5: 404?? = create_car #PCJ600 at 408.77! 239.58! 10.88!
0175: set_car 404?? z_angle_to 90!
00AE: unknown_set_car 404?? to_ignore_traffic_lights 1?
00AD: set_car 404?? max_speed_to 0!
02AC: set_car 404?? immunities 1? 1? 1? 1? 1?0129: 32?? = create_actor 4? #BKA in_car 404?? driverseat01B2: give_actor 32?? weapon 23? ammo 100&
02E2: set_actor 32?? weapon_accuracy_to 29?0350: unknown_actor 32?? not_scared_flag 1?
0002: jump ££Label008722
0001: wait 5000& ms
02C2: car 400?? drive_to_point 372.51! 238.48! 10.82!
00AD: set_car 400?? max_speed_to 10!0001: wait 1000& ms
02C2: car 404?? drive_to_point 381.83! 241.16! 10.61!
00AD: set_car 404?? max_speed_to 10!0002: jump ££Label008729
0001: wait 7000& ms
03E2: actor 28?? exit_car
03E2: actor 32?? exit_car0001: wait 4000& ms
0211: actor 28?? walk_to 368.27! 242.45!
0211: actor 32?? walk_to 385.78! 236.38!0001: wait 7000& ms
020E: actor 28?? look_at_actor 32??
020E: actor 32?? look_at_actor 28??0002: jump ££Label008733
0001: wait 4000& ms
01C9: actor 28?? kill_actor 32??0002: jump ££Label008738
0001: wait 6000& ms
0211: actor 28?? walk_to 384.03! 237.43!0001: wait 14500& ms
04EB: 28?? make_actor_crouch 1? 5000& ms0001: wait 6000& ms
01D5: actor 28?? go_to_and_drive_car 404??
00AD: set_car 404?? max_speed_to 0!0001: wait 4500& ms
02C2: car 404?? drive_to_point 319.93! 244.77! 11.45!
00AD: set_car 404?? max_speed_to 30!0002: jump ££Label008743
0001: wait 1000& ms
0002: jump ££Label008743