[img]http://upload.kinstry.co.uk/users/M2B/loading.bmp\" border=\"0\" alt=\"IPB Image\" /]
On with the explanation.
(There are prbably many ways to do this, but this is the way I would choose, since it has a more analog feel to it.)
Required skills:
•Knowledge of photoshop and Trasparrency issues
•Knowledge of Tracks in Vegas
•Knowledge of Pan settings in Vegas
Alright, what you will need is 2 pictures made in Photoshop. One of a mostly black canvas with the word loading on it. Just below the word you need a transparrent rectangular section, as though you were going to stick the loading bar in there. This will go on Track 1. Next you will need to make a completely white canvas and set it on track 2. Use the pan settings to set it to the left (by default). You want it so far left that it does not appear in the trasparrent section of the canvas in Track 1. then use the pan settings to slowly move the white canvas to the right (over a set amount of time). the white canvas will show through the black canvas in track 1, making it appear as though it were filling it. Vualla
Some of you could probably explain this better lol. I'm not too good at explaining these kind of things, but if you would like I would gladly make this section for you in the video. That would be easier in my opinion.