Well I would like to announce my tool.
The Tool is called GTA - Ultimate Stunting Tool. Its like a scripting Language and Steam together.
It works simple:
1. You fire up the application INSTEAD of gta_sa.exe or gta-vc.exe .
2. You set up your GTA Directorys
3. On the right you are presented with a list of available plugins now - stored on our webserver (
http://gta-us.pyrokar.lima-city.de/). On the left you will see installed plugins. (Plugin size should be around 1 mb as maximum)
4. Select all plugins you want to download and these you want to use (installed plugins)
5. Press either "Launch VC" or "Launch SA"
6. When you selected an VC plugin but you pressed Launch SA it will warn you and automaticly disables the plugin.
7. Ingame you are presented with a welcome message and you can start using the plugins.
Planned Plugins:
* [VC|SA] 30-60 FPS (fps.gus)
* [VC|SA] Replay Manager (Original) (repman.gus)
* [SA] Replay Replacement (rephax.gus)
* [VC|SA] Traffic/Ped adjuster (traffic.gus)
* [VC|SA] Car/Ped spawner (spawner.gus)
* [VC|SA] Time/Weather adjuster (weather.gus)
gus is the file format (Compiled scripts).
The scripts are able to call SCM commands using a special hook, modding Memory of GTA and of course they can handle variables, loops and forms/gui (even ingame!)
I put this in GTA Modding cause the Programming coding section is mainly for tech talk, isn't it?
Releases:Name: Beta Release
Information: This will be the first test release for testers
Type: Full
Download: [Not released yet]
Name: [SA] Replay Manager
Information: This will be the first test release for testers
Type: This tool allows you to manage your original GTA replays ingame!
Download: [PM me]
How to PM correctly:Tester name: xxx
Country: yyy
OS: [98/XP]
Fill in that form and send it to me (Subject: GTA-US)
Subject: GTA-US
Tester name: Fox
Country: Germany
Type information:Full: GTA-US Launcher needed to execute the plugins
Plugin - GUS: A fully working plugin as gus file
Plugin - EXE: A Pre-Version of the real plugin as exe file. The testers must give a feedback and report bugs (via PM or MSN)!
Misc: Anything else goes here
Screenshots:[a href=\"http://img488.imageshack.us/img488/1487/screen0en7.png\" target=\"_blank\"]