hey. downloading
edit: just watched it. Effects are a key part of a stunt video, you just have to learn to utilize them correctly. The intro where it was a little grainy was alright, the mirror effect was kind of cool because it went with the music, but the watermarking of the stunts with the stunters name was just not at all needed and it just distracted me from the video overall. Most people put the names of the stunter in one of the four corners of the video, but if you come up with some inventive way to do it where you aren't interfering with the stunt going on then I have no problem with that. Overall I'd like to see just a little more stunts too, they were good but with the extent of time you put into the intro and effects you could definitely have a very solid video if you had more stunts. The music was good, it didn't get annoying at all during the video so good pick on your part. I'll be happy to check out your upcoming videos and other projects.