Review foe Adwection :
very nice video - not a quite standard vid i got accostumed to see
stunts :
0.41 - nice p2b - something similar was done by Theftman in Crash course 2 on a freeway
0.44 - nice Bsm - not too hard - Sam had done this to the pink roof
0.48 - cool climb
0.59 - not too high and hard - looks good though
1.06 - great - long distance
1.13 - not very clean but good that you've stayed
1.20 - low - if you had done that to the little crane that would have been better
1.29 - completely weak
1.33 - nice - first freeway BSM i've seen - GG in the end made it not so impressive though
1.41 - wasn't done on Sanchez - but many times before was performed on the other vehicles including Hotring
1.47 - again awesome climb
1.57 - nice
2.06 - crazy - even made me laugh
2.12 - nice but too low
2.17 - cool - i think i loved every car p2b i saw
2.22 - low weak and was done before
2.27 - too old - done by Nitz in Dysfunctional and by Aries in THRTLC
2.32 - pretty low but beautiful
2.40 - nice
2.46 - very good - nice job on landing on the edge
2.51 - thought of it - too bad it's impossible to fly to the high arc
2.58 too old - was done on every vehicle exept Sanchez - By me in GBVC on PSJ first then be WER on freeway in Dedicated - then again on PSJ by Docta Luv in XXL - Daffy also did it to the BB in stunt challange - then in Fiend by The Antidote on Infernus finally - and now you
3.05 - done by Neo to the top in No Limits if i'm not wrong
3.08 - good but low again
3.12 - Done By THEFTman in Fury
3.18 - done by GTA Fanatic aka Hagz in Dysfunctional
3.23 - now finally an impressive p2b - was never done before and it's awesome - never thought of it
3.28 - nice climb but i've seen it somewhere just can't remember
overall - nice - but the fact there were no grinds and No ag's was sad amd extremely old stunts too - 8.1/10
music - not my taste - but was not annoying - 8/10
editing - hmm did not noticed some spectacular synching but the vid was not going apart from music which i've seen sometimes - 7/10
overall - good first video - 7.9/10
review for Convection
way better video - enjoyed alot
nice classic intro
1.17 - nice - but low and done before somewhere
1.20 - was done on a freeway by THEFTman
1.27 - hehe - cool - you spawned the tank or went there by natural manner ?
1.34 - good
1.41 - ahh why didn't you put a boat there - the fall to the water spoiles all the impression
1.49 - i did not like it
1.58 - very nice double bump - good job
2.04 - was done in Zero Hour 2
2.10 - done by Darkness to the top of the building in Break Out
2.18 - aaahh shit - my idea
awesome climb ...
2.25 - nice p2b - staying reminded me Kaneda's one on the tower in Porn Studio in Quattro - like eh - eeeh - eeeeehhhh -yhhhyyeeeees - *breathing with tension*- phew -
2.44 - another nice p2b
2.47 - yet another awesome climb
2.54 - nice - good job on doing this on a freeway - cause it was done in PRM by Kaneda on psj using a bus
3.01 - my idea - but i dun care bout it - good anyway
3.09 - bad ag sorry
3.12 - yeah - old hard stunt done too many times
3.18 - weak p2b
3.22 - OMG - amazing one
3.33 - VERY old done like 50 times
3.37 - not good ag again
3.41 - awesome - brilliant idea - perfect beautiful excecution
3.55 - was done by Taclite - in Pathers In Crime - nice though
4.00 - a bit weak climb now
4.12 - done by The Antidote in Fiend
overall - now a good mix of stunts - less old stunts and more originality - 8.9/10
music - again not a song of my taste but again it did not annoy me - 8/10
editing - a bit better now - 8.4/10
overall - an entertaining video again - 8.6/10