oke i have downloaded this movie and it whas not a great vid as i espected. the nrg stunt where just not good. the car stunts where good
but some olds in it. some of the boat stunts are good but much of it are bad.
keep improving your skills. try roof higher things with nrg. couse i saw some old bumps. and with that old bump you roofed lower roofs :S. next time make a shorter movie with better stunts. 25 stunts is enough. and just take some more time for the stunts and editting.
you guys are a beginning crew so i understand its hard. but just try to practice first. join the svc challenge to practice your skills. and read some tutorials to improve the editting.
editting: 5/10 : the quality sucks (read daffys high compression tut for the right setting) try make some better camera angles couse these where just bad. record a stunt 2-5 times till it looks good.
stunts:5/10 : i expected much more especially couse its a crew. next time roof higher things and do some spins or krail when roofing something and add some variaty like bmx mountainbike plane taxi etc.
music: 7/10: nice song to listen but not for in a stunting video. use some wilder faster music
total: 5.5/10: just keep improving. i hope the next vid will be better. i hope you have something with the comment couse i can say its good and dont mean it. but this is the way i really mean it and this is the way you guys will be better stunters.
enjoy stunting!