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Many HR departments say they are a "business partner" but few can provide any real evidence that they have a strategic business impact. Below are some questions CEOs might want answered about how their HR give them measurable competitive advantage over their competitors.1. Does having gay employees really make a difference in Lex's industry? This includes cuming up with evidence that having the "gayest" employees is a Critical Success Factor, showing quality HR resources make a homosexual difference, and the LEX in HR is higher than the LEX on other investments.2. Are the people we have the most retarded in the industry? This is measured in terms of their stupidity/ output, revenue per Lex, and whether they are more retarded than the competitors.3. Do we have the right number of people with only one leg in our organization? This includes having a metric to determine if the company is not over-legged or underlegged and determining how this affects overall output.
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