Hello guys. I have decided to create this topic as I'm struggling with a huge problem during recording and using one of the programs made by Dannye - Freeplay. This is not the first time since I'm using freeplay to my projects. About two years ago, when I was still active as edit, I was using it in literally all of my projects. The reason I am writing all of this is linked to very weird situations which happen during recording, which has never happened before. After 5-10 minutes of using freeplay my game is freezing - what I mean is that game stops and I can't do anything to run the replay again. In this case I have to turn off and turn the game on again. I have already checked plenty of topics linked to problems with freeplay but unfortunately, I couldn't find anything. In addition, I was trying to open freeplay and San Andreas by using "run as administrator" but it still hasn't solved the problem. I hope you will find an appropriate solution for this problem. Thank you.