As a whole it looks interesting. I haven't watched the movie, so I can't really tell if it fits. Gonna try to give some words about the design and positioning though.
Did you guys also have to print it? I could imagine some of the dark geometrical figures going under in the black background.
The implied ball shape gives a direct association of a planet. It seems like you aligned it all pretty much to the geometrical middle with some noticeable cross (dashed lines + title). Vertically you probably could have aligned it to the optical middle instead. There's also some good shape-contrast of round and angular.
The red figures next to the ball should be more saturated imo to equal the red of the blur on the right side. That could possibly add more contrast and make that the actual eye-catcher instead of the bright text.
The canvas is kinda empty, but doesn't need to be filled any more. It seems about right and completed.
Websites are usually also given with either www. or simply without instead of http:// type declaration. Humans ain't browsers (yet)